Below is a collection outline of various UN-Habitat Kosovo programme activities throughout the years.
UN-Habitat Kosovo programme team - May 2019
Municipal Development Plan implementation assessment workshop with the Municipality of Peja 2013
Capitalisation workshop with the participants from different municipalities accross Kosovo - March 2016
Capitalisation workshop with the participants from different municipalities accross Kosovo - March 2016
Municipality of Hani i Elezit capital investment project inauguration with the support from the UN-Habitat Kosovo programme in 2014
Presentation of maps from the Mamusha Municipal Development Plan process 2013
Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme team abroad during the World Urban Forum Conference Naples 2012
Design workshop - Capital Investment Project supporting the Municipality of Gracanica 2014
Scenario workshop - Municipal Development Plan for the Municipality of Malisheva 2014
Visioning workshop for the Municipality of Gjakova 2007
Capital Investment Project - Training of Trainers session 2 - May 2015
Capital Investment Project - Training of Trainers session 4 - June 2015
Capital Investment Project Training of Trainers with Municipality of Peja - Team building exercise
Retreat with the municipalities during the Making Better Cities together Programme - February 2014
Poetry, Tetris space, Polip during Tour de Culture event
Tour de Culture
Tour de Culture 2009
Tour de Culture 2009
Wold Habitat Day 2007
Wold Habitat Day 2007
UN-Habitat Kosovo programme team - May 2019