Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is a document with strategic and multi-sectional character
that aims to provide clear vision and goals for future spatial development of the municipality
and determine the programs, development policies and actions to meet with the set objectives.
The housing orientation, how will the preservation and development of natural resources and
values of cultural heritage in favour of economic development and social welfare, facilitation of
inhabitants movement, but also providing easy access for visitors, etc. are some of the issues
for which MDP provides a solution.
Junik is a small municipality in terms of demographic and territorial aspect, but with opportunities
and potentials for development, thanks to its boundary position and the natural potential
it possesses, preservation of traditions and cultural heritage, and above all the young and
enthusiastic population for progress of the municipality.
MDP aims to preserve this potential in a sustainable and rational manner and promote it in the
interest of Junik inhabitants and also of national interest.