MuSPP Newsletter 4

Seven demo-projects have been selected and launched in MuSPP partner municipalities. The contributions in this Newsletter show that these and other actions in municipalities are undertaken by a variety of actors at the same time. This has already resulted in a larger number of projects and new implementing stakeholders than initially envisaged. We look forward to learning lessons from these and other demo-initiatives and encourage you to be reflective too. Incorporation of experiences, lessons, risks and limitations will create greater potential for being strategic with larger capital investments projects and achieving sustainable change. Six Visioning workshops have taken place in cooperation with our 6 partner municipalities and it has now proved to have boosted and empowered the local civil society and professional planners to ‘think out of the box’, delivered inspiring vision statements and quality integrated vision documents that are becoming part of the MDP. We’d like to capture your reflections on experiences and results during and after the visioning events and turn it into lessons and good practices for our next ‘Leaflet on Lessons of Visioning in Kosovo’. In this way lessons can be shared with all municipalities and

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