Newsletter 6

On June 2nd, the fourth and last Tri Partite Review Meeting (TPR) took place in Grand Hotel. TPR meetings bring together the programme sponsor (Sida), the programme implementer (UN-HABITAT) and its counterparts (the beneficiary municipalities and central level institutions, including the Association of Kosovo Municipalities- AKM). The purpose is to monitor and evaluate the achievements and working methods of the Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP). On June 2nd “Highlights MuSPP1 2006-2008” were presented and discussed, including some of the bottlenecks experienced in this first phase (see Box 1, pg 10). There were preliminary discussion of these achievements and bottlenecks during the Thessaloniki retreat with the mayors of the MuSPP beneficiary municipalities and central level ministries (Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning -MESP and Ministry of Local Government and Administration- MLGA), from 26 to 29 May.

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