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Mitrovica adopts Municipal and Urban Development Plans

The Municipal Assembly of Mitrovica adopted the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and the Urban Development Plan (UDP), prepared by the consultants of Kosovo-based Lin-Project and “Metron” from Switzerland, during its session on May 4th, 2009 . The first draft of the plans was submitted for public consultation in December 2008.

A strong input to the plans was given in the form of a vision statement developed by representatives of stakeholders during a visioning workshop in Skopje, held from 11-15 January 2007, which was facilitated by UN-HABITAT.

During the meeting, Municipal Director of Urbanism, Mehdi Bala, said that suggestions made by the Assembly in the earlier meetings had beenĀ  incorporated in the final version of the document. He mentioned a long process of drafting the plans which involved meetings, workshops, public debates and an information campaign, and led to the final version of the document.


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