About us
In 1978,
when Habitat was established, after a meeting in Vancouver known as Habitat I,
urbanisation and its impacts were less significant on the agenda of United
Nations that had been created over three decades earlier, when two-thirds of
humanity was still rural. From 1978 to 1997, with meagre support and an
unfocused mandate, Habitat struggled almost alone among multi-lateral
organizations to prevent and ameliorate problems stemming from massive urban
growth, especially among cities of the developing world. From 1997 to 2002, by
which time half the world had become urban, UN-HABITAT guided by the Habitat
Agenda and the Millennium
Declaration underwent a major revitalization, using its experience to
identify emerging priorities for sustainable urban development and to make
needed course corrections.
In 1996,
the United Nations held a second conference on cities, Habitat II, in
On 1
January 2002, the agencys mandate was strengthened and its status elevated to
that of a fully-fledged programme of the UN system in UN General Assembly
Resolution A/56/206. Key recommendations and fine tuning of the agenda are now
underway as strategy clusters for achieving the urban development and shelter
goals and targets of the Millennium Declaration - the United Nations
development agenda for the next 15 to 20 years. The revitalization has placed
UN-HABITAT squarely in the mainstream of the UNs development agenda for
poverty reduction with a more streamlined and effective structure and staff,
and more relevant and focused set of programmes and priorities.
It is
through this agenda that UN-HABITAT contributes to the overall objective of the
United Nations system to reduce poverty and promote sustainable development.
Its partners range from governments and local authorities to a wide
international cross-section of Non-Governmental Organizations and civil society