Implementation Assessment Report-Municipal Development Plan _ The Case of Municipality of Junik
Abstract: The report provides an example of aconventional approach towards the implementation assessment of the Municipal Development Plan (MDP). The assessment methodology is based on the Action Plan for the implementation of the MDP, and it is particularlyuseful in the absence of regular annual monitoring and evaluation reports, but it also can be used in cases where a regular reporting on the MDP implementation progress is in place, by all municipalities throughout Kosovo.
Year published: December 2014
A Guide to Managing Development_The Case of Municipality of Mamushe-Mamusa
Abstract: The guide translates into a step-by-step approach the procedures for issuing terms of construction, construction permits, occupancy certificates and legalization of the buildings without permit. It is drafted for the Municipality of Mamushë/ Mamua, butthe content of the document is partly applicable to wider Kosovomunicipalities. The purpose of the guideline is to serve as an orienting document which will facilitate the work of the local institutions in the implementation of the Law on Construction and Law on Treatment of Buildings without Permit. Besides, from the local perspective, the guide sets general criteria for development for each settlement area in Mamushë/ Mamua in line with provisions made in the Municipal Development Plan. The guide is supported by a leaflet, drafted for the Municipality of Mamushë/Mamua, as in the case of guide, but focuses on communities and planning institutions at local level throughout Kosovo. The leaflet intends to promote procedures for submission and review of planning applications, terms of construction and construction permits, deriving from the Administrative Instruction n°.10/2013 for the implementation of the Law on Construction n°.04/L-110.
Year published: December 2014
Reader-friendly brochure on application and issuance of building permits
Abstract: A Guide to Managing Development, is supported by a leaflet, drafted for the Municipality of Mamushë/Mamua, as in the case of guide, but focuses on communities and planning institutions at local level throughout Kosovo. The leaflet intends to promote procedures for submission and review of planning applications, terms of construction and construction permits, deriving from the Administrative Instruction n°.10/2013 for the implementation of the Law on Construction n°.04/L-110.
Year published: December 2014