News and Events
Consultation event regarding urban design for city centre, Skenderbeu square, with local community and business owners
In close
cooperation with its partner municipalities, the MuSPP programme engages in the
development and implementation of capital investment projects (CIP) resulting
from the municipal spatial planning process. CIP are designed in a gender-equal and participatory manner and aim at
making strategic contributions to inclusive and sustainable urbanism.
Municipality of Peja/Pec has developed a CIP that is derived from the MDP/UDP
Implementation Roadmap
Peja/Pec CIP is located in the city centre, Skenderbeu square. The project
aims to produce people-friendly space and to optimise the use of public space,
through the promotion of non-motorised transport, walking and cycling. This CIP
is developed in two phases. UN-HABITAT has provided technical support to
Peja/Pec municipality for phase I, which is now being implemented) and is
currently assisting in phase II design.
On 23 of
October 2009, in order to promote inclusiveness and early engagement in
planning, the MUSPP team, in cooperation with Peja/Pec Municipality and Urban
Plus (Consultants drafting Peja/Pec City Centre Urban Regulatory Plan), has
organized a consultation meeting with local community and business
representatives. The consultation event aims at collecting stakeholders
opinions and at increasing their sense of ownership of the project.
For your information please follow the hyperlink and find enclosed the agenda below: