News and Events
Agriculture land one of the top priorities in Junik
The Junik Team Municipality of Junik, Municipal Spatial Planning
Support Programme (MuSPP), Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB), Ministry
of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP), organized a workshop with the focus
on Agriculture on February 11th in Junik. The key aim of the workshop was to
discuss various activities and projects for achieving the set objectives on
this thematic issue.
The key points of the workshop were the presentations done
by the MuSPP representative on the issues and problems identified from the Municipal
Development Plan (MDP) profile on the field of agriculture, and a focused
debate on finding the activities and projects that would lead to fulfilment of the
objectives, i.e.: improvement of the agriculture sector and protection of the
agricultural land, improvement of watering system, protection from losing the
agricultural land, development of agricultural policies that lead to increase
of use of agricultural land in harmony with EU standards, easy access to
agricultural land, promoting agricultural produce on local and regional markets,
increase of livestock, improvement of organisation.
Considering that the municipality has developed a strategy
for local development, participants agreed that a variety of projects from this
document may be incorporated in MDP. Some of them require more focused study
and debate and with other stakeholder groups. Thus, it was proposed to arrange
other meetings to provide details about the projects in the near future.
During the workshop participants pointed out the need for some
reorganisation within the municipal structure, and they suggested the
establishment of an agriculture directorate as well as the Institutionalization
of groups of farmers, processors and retailers. It is also necessary to raise the
awareness of population about the importance of cultivation of agricultural
land since agriculture is currently not seen by youth as a profitable