News and Events
Invitation to the conference Envisioning as a participatory planning tool
The conference on Envisioning as a
participatory planning tool is organised by UN-HABITAT/Municipal
Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP), funded by Sida and the Ministry of
Environment and Spatial Planning, with the support of the Ministry of Local
Government Administration, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Cultural Heritage without
Borders. The envisioning workshops were the inclusive planning activities
organised with an active participation of local government officials and civil
society organisations from nine Kosovo municipalities. The main purpose of the
conference is to better understand the power of participatory envisioning as a
planning tool and its impact on the future territorial organization and
management of a neighborhood, a city or a region based on a shared vision and
concepts. Also, it aims at enhancing good governance through participatory and
gender sensitive planning methods. The conference will bring together a range
of municipalities from those at the beginning of their spatial planning process
to those which are now implementing their plans. The conference will also offer
an opportunity to exchange experience with representatives of different
countries on related topics. The conference will not only provide feedback on
the first cycle of vision workshops but also deliver recommendations and
guidelines for the future vision cycle, resulting in an Advisory Note from
MuSPP to its counterparts at the local and central levels. The conference will
take place in Grand Hotel, Prishtinë/Pritina, on 9th of November, 2010,
starting at 09:30.