News and Events
The public review of the draft Urban Development Plan (UDP) was launched on 29th April 2011
The Municipality of Hani i Elezit has drafted its UDP 2010-2025+. The UDP document has been drafted by the Municipality with the support of the Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP), implemented by UN-HABITAT and funded by Sida.
With the aim of encouraging the public, stakeholders and all interested parties to provide comments regarding the draft UDP, on 29th of April 2011 in the House of Culture of Hani i Elezit, the public review of draft UDP was launched. The event was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, representatives from business community, civil society, KFOR, council of planning experts, municipality of Hani i Elezit and UN-HABITAT.
The draft UDP was presented by Directorate of Urbanism as bearer of the project. The hard copies of short and full versions of the documents in CDs were distributed to the participants. The participants gave recommendations and suggestions however it is expected that they will also provide written comments through the period of public review. The public review period will last 30 days, as stated in the amandments of the Law on Spatial Planning. After the public review comments will be incorporated into the draft and the document will be submitted to the Municipal Assembly for the approval.