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Citizens enjoy new city centre in Hani i Elezit
The inauguration ceremony of the capital investment project for improving the public spaces of Hani i Elezit town centre took place on Wednesday, 13th of July 2011. The project was initiated last year as part of the agreement between the Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) and municipality of Hani i Elezit.
In 2009 Municipality of Hani i Elezit and UN HABITATs MuSPP signed a Memorandum of Understanding for drafting the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and Urban Development Plan (UDP). The in house approach in planning process of drafting the MDP and UDP of Hani i Elezit has gone through all necessary phases and both documents are in their finalisation stage.
During the drafting process of these pans, the lack of public spaces inside the urban zone of Hani i Elezit was brought up as one of the issues to be solved and in tlater discussions it was agreed that the Capital Investments have to deal with these spaces. The idea was taken forward and a capital investment project was developed by the municipality with the assistance of the MuSPP team.
The CIP for improving the public spaces in Hani i Elezit is designed with the intention to improve the general environment of Hani i Elezit and translate some of the plans priorities into concrete projects which will serve the citizens of Hani i Elezit.
The project selection and development went through transparent, inclusive and participatory process by involving all relevant stakeholders, includingschool, health and business community, factory employees, civil society, municipal officers, representatives of international organizations, owners of shops and restaurants in the area and general public of Hani i Elezit.
This involvement was carried out through design workshops where participants were able to express their ideas for the town centre through public discussions and meetings.
The inauguration event started with the speech of the Mayor of Hani i Elezit, Mr. Rufki Suma, who expressed his gratitude for UN HABITAT and Sida for their support in planning process and CIP development/implementation. Mrs. Krystyna Galezia, Head of UN-HABITAT in Kosovo, highlighted that it is a pleasure to be in Hani i Elezit in such occasions. She was glad to be part of the improving the public spaces for the benefit of citizens and she invited them to walk safely over the old çilim in the square - traditional carpet pattern designed in the new town square with concrete blocks. The representative of Sida, Mr. Tomas Nystrom also expressed their pleasure to support Hani i Elezit through such great projects. It was important that all parts highlighted the commitment for future cooperation and support to municipality.
The ceremony continued with the Mayor delivering the Letter of Gratitude to UN HABITAT and Sida for their contribution in Hani i Elezit.
The three parties (Municipality of Hani i Elezit, UN HABITAT and Sida) all together formally cut the ribbon under the applause of those present and the event continued with the short visit to project implemented area. The event was crowned by an artistic programme prepared and performed by schools students.
The improving of public spaces in the town centre included creating a town square, making a green spaces with grass and trees, better and secure pedestrian pathways connecting different parts of the town, moving the parking places from the square, making proper entrances to the apartment buildings, removing the fences, adding urban furniture to the public space, etc. The space improvement process led to a better urban landscape in the town centre and provided more spaces for community gatherings and recreation, which also improved pedestrian flows in the town centre. The project development and implementation process also empowered the citizens and public ownership toward the improved spaces and this is already manifested by maintaining and carefulness shown to the improvements.
The project for improving the public spaces in Hani I Elezit town centre was jointly funded by the Municipality of Hani i Elezit and the Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme, Phase2 implemented by UN-HABITAT in Kosovo and financed by the Swedish Development Cooperation Agency, Sida.