News and Events
Junik presents its planning experiences in the Open Forum at Polis University, Tirana
Kosovo delegation representing Junik municipality, Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB), Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) and Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) participated with presentations in the Open Forum: Junik, a unique Kosovo approach to the spatial development which is based on natural and cultural heritage and on local capacity planning. The invitation to this forum was extended by Polis University and the event took place on Monday, 23 April 2012, at the premises of the University in Tirana-Albania.
The Forum aimed at promoting experiences in drafting spatial and urban planning policies and territorial development based on cultural and natural assets, while using the case study of Junik Different actors who contributed to the success story of Junik municipality, including representatives of MuSPP, had a chance to present planning experience in this professional forum. Main topics discussed related to the development of restoration projects and plans for the protection of cultural heritage and development. The Forum offered an opportunity to present spatial and urban planning documents produced through an innovative approach applied for the first time in Junik. Capital improvement projects deriving from the planning processes and developed in partnership between Junik municipality and its partners, were also presented in the Forum. The involvement of Polis University in drafting the UDP and URP of Junik, were also shared with participants in the event. .
The Forum was followed by a study visit to interesting touristic sites with natural and cultural values. The visited sites included: Razem, a touristic natural resort), the Historic Museum,in Shkodra, an old historic bridge, Ura e Mesit, the Rozafa castle and its museum as well as a traditional house of a famous Albanian writer housing a small private hotel, a restaurant and a museum. The visit was organized by Shihemi in Dukagjin, a project funded by EC and implemented by CHwB.