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Citizens and planners bring ideas for Green Corridor in Ferizaj/Urosevac
On June 7th 2012, the Municipality of Ferizaj/Urosevac supported by the UN-Habitats Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MusPP), organized an urban design workshop for the Capital Investment Project (CIP) the Green Corridor.
The workshop involved different stakeholders including civil society, Kosovo Police (KP), Kosovo Security Force (KSF), municipal officers and citizens from the neighboring area. The director of Urbanism Property Geodesy and Cadastre, Ms Qazime Vata, in her welcoming remarks reassured the participants that their opinions will always play the role in spatial/urban planning developments in Ferizaj/Urosevac and project development.
The first part of the workshop included presentations by MuSPP staff based in Ferizaj/Urosevac, Pristina and Prizren. The workshop started with the information about the process of CIP, future stages of the project and importance of citizens involvement. It was followed by a presentation by Mr. Mustafe Zariqi, planner in the Municipality of Ferizaj/Urosevac, which focused on the character of this area and its new destination as a sport and recreational area. He also presented spatial analysis of the area to be improved, as well as the problems and opportunities identified through SWOT analysis. Other presentations conducted by MuSPP staff focused on the principles of placemaking and creative solution to challenges and issues in the area of the new CIP. The example of a CIP in Prizren was used to demonstrate how different potential development options were analysed and how the results of such analyses were integrated in the process of drafting and implementation of this CIP.
In the designing exercise, participants discussed and listed their ideas for the development of the area. The next stage was to transfer these ideas onto maps. There were four working groups, facilitated by MuSPP staff. Each group developed a draft idea about how the areas could be improved, followed by a plenary presentation of the each workgroup. All four groups presented their ideas in front of all participants, where the list of similarities was much longer than the differences. The common ideas were as follows: to create public space for all ages, build an football stadium which is very much needed in Ferizaj/Urosevac, saving its biodiversity and enhancing it, creating green corridors for pedestrians and bikers which would link the new area with an existing park Parku i Lirisë. In the presentation it was stated that the area is quite rich with water and therefore the participants suggested creating an artificial pond which would enhance the quality of this public space through providing diverse nature. It was also suggested to connect/link sports area with Bifurcation which represents a unique attribute for this municipality.
The next step will be to draft the terms of reference for the company which will incorporate the ideas deriving from this workshop.