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Can MDP for Mamusha /Mamuşa impact environment?
The Municipality of Mamusha is in process of drafting the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) with the professional support of MuSPP. The Law Nr. 03/L-230 on Strategic Environmental Assessment requires from municipalities to draft the Strategic Environmental Assessment for the Municipal Development Plans and other plans and programs, therefore UN-Habitat in cooperation with Mamusha Municipality engaged an external consultant to conduct this activity.
In order to develop this process in an inclusive and participatory manner, a half day workshop with relevant stakeholders was organized on 14th of June 2012 with the focus on different topics. The topics related to participatory planning and levels of involvements during the decision making, presentation of environmental issues of MDP, presentation of a scoping report, and an exercise for identification of objectives, targets and indicators.
According to the analyses done by the consultant, the environmental issues of Mamusha / Mamuşa MDP and its goals and objectives aim to ensure the sustainable development of this municipality. However, the objectives of the second thematic area economic development mainly based on agriculture and related industries - could have the most significant environmental impacts and therefore there is a need to undertake mitigation measures. It was also mentioned that the environmental concerns for Mamusha / Mamuşa are the pollution of water and soil from waste and waste water disposal as well as from pesticide and artificial fertilizers.
Although the Kosovos Law on SEA, does not require a scoping report, it was stated during its presentation, that such a report is useful in addressing the main objectives, goals or strategic aims in the early stages of the SEA process. The issue of what aspects of the environment might be affected by the implementation of the MDP and which of these effects are likely to be significant and, therefore it is required to provide information about relevant aspects of the current state of the environment, was in the center of this presentation. It was noted that in drafting of the scoping report it is useful to collect and report on relevant international, national and local plans, objectives and environmental standards. It is also helpful to identify reasonable alternatives required by the SEA Directive for the national legislation, and to develop draft environmental objectives (similar or derived from MDP).
The last part of the workshop was devoted to an exercise for identification of the linkages between SEA and objectives, targets and indicators. It helped identify some of the above mentioned indicators for the Mamusha/Mamusa MDP.
This event was attended by the officials from municipal department of urbanism and public services as well as the leader of the farmers association and the representative of Ministry of Trade and Industry.