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DEVELOPMENT SCENARIO WORKSHOP for Gračanica / Graçanicë Municipality
In the process of drafting the Municipal Developemnt Plan (MDP), Municipality of Gračanica / Graçanicë organized a Scenarion Building workshop as a component of the Spatial Development Framework, the third phase of the plan.
As part of professional support, UN-Habitat/MuSPP, the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) (Institute of Spatial Planning - ISP, Department of Spatial Planning - DSP, Department of Housing and Construction - DHC) facilitated this workshop held from 9 to 10 July, 2012 in Gracanica. .
The participants consisted of representatives from Gracanica Municipality (directors, officers, village representatives, representatives of associations and NGOs), MuSPP team from Gracanica, Prizren and Prishtina, representatives of IISP and DSP within MESP, in total 30 persons.
The aim of this workshop was to:
Make the participants familiar with scenarios of spatial development;
Train the participants in using the techniques for development of scenarios;
Use the workshop outcomes when identifying the most advantageous spatial development for Gracanica
Enhance engagement, commitment, ownership and contributions
Increase the awareness on participatory approaches to spatial planning
The two day workshop contained 6 sessions, and each of them was prepared in order to give necessary information for generating ideas and actions for the MDP development scenarios.
In the first session municipal representative shortly presented two completed phases of the MDP: Challenges and vision, goals/objectives. In order to introduce the participants to the scenarios/concepts of spatial development and particularly to the selected scenarios, the Director of ISP/MESP had a short training session. The presentation contained description of types of spatial development scenarios used during the drafting of Spatial Plan of Kosova and the selected types of scenarios as well as why those were selected. The UN-Habitat representative made a presentation of three types of spatial development scenarios and their characteristics as well as examples from other countries and experiences.
At the end the participants were divided into three groups and were given group work instructions for work prepared by UN-HABITAT.
In the second, third and fourth session the tree newly formed groups worked on separate scenarios, and the aim of each group was to edhere to fro achieving the spatial planning goal and objectives of the MDP. The participants worked on maps while presenting the current situation and future developments
The first group worked on a trend scenario. According to this scenario, the developments in the future will happen alongside the main local roads. This increases the use of roads and developments are oriented towards Prishtina. The second group worked on a Concentrated Development Scenario, in which the future development will be concentrated in zones that already have an existing infrastructure.
The third group worked on Polycentric Decentralized Development, which shows a de-centralized development with three separate settlements, each with its own centre.
The groups were facilitated by representatives of UN-HABITAT and ISP/MESP and monitored by a team composed of UN-HABITAT and DSP/MESP representatives, including the SEA consultant. Afterwards, each group prepared the matrix for synergies and conflicts between thematic areas / relations between sectors. In the last session the group leaders presented the results of their group work.
At the end, the preliminary synthesis was done by UN-Habitat representatives presenting the main strengths and weaknesses for each scenario.
The outcomes of the workshop would form the basis for proposing a preferred Development Scenario, which would consider the strengths and weaknesses of the three alternative scenarios, analyze conflicts between sectors and advise on mitigating measures. This synthesis should be carried out by a core team of municipal planners, assisted by UN-Habitat, and presented to the Mayor and Board of Directors for consideration and further actions.