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Public Presentation of the first phases of Malishevë Municipal Development Plan
The public presentation of the first draft of the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) of Malishevë was held on the 7th of February at the Municipal Hall. The first two phases of the municipal plan were presented to a wide audience, composed mainly of citizens of Malishevë, but also municipal and ministerial officers, representatives of OSCE and other experts.
The purpose of this public presentation was to provide information to the general public in Malishevë and to relevant institutions and stakeholders, regarding the progress of drafting the Municipal Development Plan. The draft profile and vision of the MDP constitute the first two phases of the planning process that is being undertaken by the municipality with technical support from UN-HABITAT. The plan is being developed for all the municipal territory, including Malishevë urban area together with 43 villages.
The presentation focused on the municipal profile and Malishevë's situation on Kosovo Spatial Plan. Thematic maps and results of the analysis were presented regarding spatial and socio‑economic development, infrastructure and public services, environment, settlements, housing and living conditions as well as development challenges. The Municipality of Malishevë is taking the in‑house approach to drafting of their Municipal Development Plan, which is contrary to the practice of outsourcing the plans to commercial companies.
At the opening of the public presentation the Mayor of Malishevë, Mr. Isni Kilaj, thanked the UN-Habitat working team in giving support to drafting the first phases of the MDP and stated that "major changes have happened during these last few years in Malishevë, in terms of infrastructure and overall development of the municipality and it is now required to develop a plan in a professional manner by experts in all fields. This plan is very important in urban development and for the overall development of the Municipality of Malishevë, and at the same time for the preservation of cultural and natural heritage. This plan is for all the citizens of the Municipality of Malishevë".
The first results of the analysis of the Census 2011 show a fast-growing municipality of approximately 55000 inhabitants, with a demographic trend of rapid population growth (+32% pop growth in the last 65 years, 1948/2011) and a very young population structure (nearly half of the municipality's population in 2011 consists of youths under age 20). The profile also shows a very high rate of unemployment: the current unemployment rate is 55.25% (10% higher than the National unemployment rate).
Malishevë municipality is in a process of rapid change in land use patterns. Urban sprawl is threatening the loss of agricultural land which still represents over 38% of the municipality's land area. Other than the effect on the agricultural and rural communities this rapid change in land use pattern poses risks of loss of ecosystem complexity and disruption of ecosystem structure.
Important identified challenges by the municipality are the issues of wastewater and sewage infrastructure, waste management, rational use of agricultural land, the protection and promotion of natural and cultural heritage, creating opportunities for employment by the stimulation of agricultural production and livestock, agro-industry, mineral industry, tourism and supporting the development of small and medium enterprises.
The vision, principles and objectives of municipal development were firstly approached during a workshop held in May 2012. The Visioning Workshop took place in Prevalla, where the vision statement for the future development of the municipality was drafted and confirmed. Workshops were organized with the support of the Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme, implemented by UN-HABITAT, and funded by Sida.
The municipality's Vision Statement is "Malishevë with opportunities for all, proud of its heritage, and developed with sound natural resources".
The Strategic Environmental Assessment of the MDP will soon be engaging in understanding the potential economic, social and environmental impacts of the proposed plan. This study will incorporate the MDP and is required by Kosovo Law. The SEA, undertaken by an international independent consultant, will allow to identify what are the important economic and environmental implications for the production and trade, water and soil conservation, etc. The SEA will aim to avoid environmental impacts and to enhance positive effects, and will also propose certain measures to balance the negative impacts of any proposed action on the environment.
Malishevë MDP 2025 + has a multisectoral strategic character. It is a document expected to set an integrated strategy for the future regulation of space, following a clear vision for which compliance has been achieved and commitment of all stakeholders to work towards achieving the goals and strategic directions that follow that vision. All citizens, business community, NGO's and all other stakeholders can participate. If you would require additional information about the Municipal Development Plan or if you would like to give comments please contact: or (Telephone: 029 269 043)