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Municipal Assembly of Hani i Elezit / Elez Han approves the Feasibility Study for the Improvement and Management of Water Supply
The Municipal Assembly of Hani i Elezit / Elez Han held the third annual meeting on the 26th of March 2013. The feasibility study for improvement and management of the water supply system in Hani i Elezit / Elez Han was included in the meeting's agenda. The study was conducted by the Department of Public Services of the Municipality of Hani i Elezit / Elez Han, with the support of the Municipal Spatial Planning Support Program (MuSPP), implemented by UN-Habitat and funded by the Government of Sweden. Water expert Mr. Gunnar Settergren has been engaged in this study, assessing the water supply system, and providing recommendations and an action plan with rough cost estimation for each activity.
In the beginning of the discussion the Director of Public Services, Mr. Rufat Shkreta, described to the Assembly members the difficult situation with the water supply in Hani i Elezit / Elez Han and he continued by highlighting the entire process from collecting information in the field to the creation of the GIS database. He concluded by saying that his Directorate has gained important knowledge and experience in dealing with this issue, benefiting a lot from the water study with action plan and costing.
Mr. Sami Stagova, MuSPP officer in Hani i Elezit / Elez Han, emphasized the aim of the document in giving clear recommendations towards improving the water supply situation in Hani i Elezit / Elez Han. He said that results of the document will help the Municipality in dealing with the issues in a lot of different aspects beginning with the establishment of a management authority for water supply, finding new water sources, dealing with challenging technical water system issues, constant updating the database and archive records from now on, etc. He also mentioned that the document will help the Municipality to apply for possible funding.
After close assessment of the proposal and its financial implications all Assembly members agreed that the Municipality has to be strongly engaged because the issue is very important for the citizens' life. The feasibility study for improving and managing the water supply in Hani i Elezit / Elez Han was approved by a majority of votes. Before the discussion moved to other items of the agenda the appreciation to UN-Habitat's support to the Municipality of Hani i Elezit / Elez Han was expressed.