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Spatial development framework in Malishevë/Malievo
UN-Habitat's Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP), financed by the Swedish Development Corporation, together with the Municipal planning team of Malishevë/Mališevo have organized a two day workshop in Prizren, on matters regarding spatial development scenarios and the development of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The workshop included staff from the Municipal planning team in Malishevë/Mališevo, and the Housing Department, the Department of Spatial Planning, and the Institute of Spatial Planning from the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP).
The workshop began with a presentation from the director of the Institute of Spatial Planning, Mr. Luan Nushi on "The concept and scenario of spatial planning"; where he discussed a broad perspective of Kosovo's Spatial Plan, touching a few points on the current profile of Malishevë/Mališevo. "Objectives and Challenges" was another presentation done by Mr. Vllaznim Osmani (MuSPP), stating facts on the current trends for the Municipality of Malishevë/Mališevo; where he also developed on the main objectives of the MDP and the challenges ahead. Whereas Ms. Catarina Camarinhas (UN-Habitat) introduced a presentation on "Malishevë/Mališevo: Spatial Development Scenarios" where three different scenarios were proposed to be explored during the workshop. Ms. Camarinhas explained each scenario in detail and what each case should emphasize, represent, improve and problems each case may face. She also highly noted that there was room to develop new scenarios during the workshop.
After given direction on the tasks of the workshop, the attendees were separated into three groups, each working in different scenarios as assigned. Each group contained a representative from the Municipality of Malishevë/Mališevo, the Housing Department, the Department of Spatial Planning (from MESP), the Institute of Spatial Planning and support from UN-Habitat / MuSPP representatives. Each group did an analysis, proposed and developed ideas about how the proposed scenario would help the Municipality of Malishevë/Mališevo develop economically and socially.
On the second day of the workshop, there was emphasis on the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The SEA report of the Municipal Malishevë/Mališevo will be developed in parallel with the Municipal Development Plan, as required by Kosovo Law. The SEA is being undertaken by Davide Geneletti, an international independent consultant from Italy. Mr. Geneletti introduced the attendees of the workshop to the main objectives of the SEA, stating that "SEA is a process aimed at integrating environmental considerations into the preparation and adoption of plans. Its ultimate purpose is to provide for a high level of protection of the environment." He also added that SEA "involves stakeholders and the public through participation and communication strategies".
After the introduction to SEA, each group then analysed environmental assessments for each of their proposed scenario, stating both positive and negative impacts on the environment from their initial analysis, proposals and development of their given scenario. The SEA will aim to avoid environmental impacts and to enhance positive effects, and will also propose certain measures to balance the negative impacts of any proposed action on the environment.
The main themes that were concluded from the workshop in Prizren from each group, were to preserve the agriculture land that Malishevë/Mališevo has to offer. In order for this to occur, there was proposal for denser, rather than sprawling settlements. There was a common point to protect certain natural heritage areas, such as the Mirusha waterfall, Mirusha River and the Mountains of Berisha. Also, each group proposed a green corridor along the Mirusha River, and for future industrial area to be near the exit from the highway in the settlement of Banja. The workshop concluded with final presentations from each developed scenario, where the Mayor of Malishevë/Mališevo, Mr. Isni Kilaj, went round to each table to see what each scenario represents and made comments to each team. His main concern for the MDP was the zoning areas for infrastructure. He, too, expressed concern about destroying good agricultural land.
The attendees of the workshop included: Esat Paqarizi, director of urbanism from Malishevë Municipality; Driton Krasniqi, Mefail Paqarizi and Valdete Morina, urbanism officers from Malishevë Municipality; Adem Mazreku, planning officer from Malishevë Municipality; Halit Mazreku, emergency officer from Malishevë Municipality; Adelina Berisha, finance officer at BSC; Kushtrim Krasniqi, geodesy officer from Malishevë Municipality; Pranvera Kastrati, information officer from Malishevë Municipality; Faton Mazreku, coordinator at NGO Creative Corner; Muharrem Morina, law advisor from the Malishevë Municipality; Luan Nushi, director of the Institute for Spatial Planning; Arber Recaj, Head of Division at the Institute for Spatial Planning; Besim Gollopeni, planner at the Institute for Spatial Planning; Suzana Goranci, Head of Municipal Planning Division: Vjollca Puka, officer at MESP; Arben Berisha, Head of Division at the Housing Department; Fatmir Azemi, officer at the Housing Department; Peter Engstrom, planning unit advisor at UN-HABITAT; Catarina Camarinhas, manager at UN-HABITAT ; Arijeta Himaduna, officer at UN-HABITAT; Lumnije Gashi, Klodeta Krasniqi, Vllaznim (Ximi) Osmani, and Drita Nushi, planners at UN-HABITAT; Davide Geneletti, SEA expert at UN-HABITAT; and Doruntinë Rexhepi, junior environmental officer at UN-HABITAT.