News and Events
Training on Drafting Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs) for Spatial Plans flashes in Prishtinë/ Pritina
In the series of training by MuSPP/ Rolling-out Sustainability Toolbox, the second Training of Targeted Groups on Drafting Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA) was held in Prishtinë/ Priština from October 20th- 22nd, facilitated by trainers from the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP)- Kosovo Environmental Protection Agency (KEPA), Municipalities of Pejë/Peć and Mitrovicë Veriore/ Severna Mitrovica.
The training was attended by officials from the municipalities of Gllogoc/ Glogovac, Fushë Kosovë/ Kosovo Polje, Graçanicë/ Gračanica, Lipljan/ Ljipljane, Obiliq/ Obilić, Prishtinë/ Priština, Shtime/ Štimlje and Skenderaj/ Srbica; from MESP- Department of Spatial Planning, Construction and Housing, as well as by representatives of civil society organizations such as "Women Association- Kosovo Police" and "Developing Together".
The third Training of Targeted Groups on Drafting Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA) will take place during October 27th- 29th, in Prizren.
Read more:
The Strategic Environmental Assessment training module was launched in full swing in Mitrovica North
Training of Trainers (ToT) sessions continue a step further: Drafting Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs) for Spatial Plans session now completed