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Block by Block Mitrovica North: Using Minecraft as a tool for dialogue and public space design!
The Municipality of Mitrovica North and UN-Habitat teamed-up in support of regenerating and improving the city's market neighbourhood through rehabilitation of public urban space and social dialogue under the auspices of the UN-Habitat Global Public Space Programme and as an amplification to the pilot Minecraft initiative in Pristina.
The Minecraft workshop held in Mitrovica North from 18 to 20 November 2016 was conceived as a community mobilization, participatory and visualization tool, particularly for children and youth. The Green Market neighborhood and respective surroundings, including the "Ibar" river banks, was selected by Municipality of Mitrovica North and UN-Habitat for the urban (re)design exercise with the Minecraft video game.
More than forty participants, young and grown-up, K-Serbs and K-Albanians from both South and North of Mitrovica, worked together during the three days' workshop and discussed, analyzed, provided recommendations and urban design solutions for the city's urban market.
The workshop was opened by UN-Habitat's representative Ms. Gwendoline Mennetrier and the Mayor of Municipality of Mitrovica North, Mr. Goran Rakic who wished participants every success in finding solutions for the City market and the surrounding, assuring them that they will have a lot of constructive solutions and ideas.
On day one, the process of project implementation was presented to the participants. The plenary discussion, virtual site visit and community consultation enabled participants to get acquainted with the public space concept and navigation in Minecraft.
In the two following days, participants were divided into 16 teams, actively designing and building in Minecraft environment. They came up with new proposals and creative ideas. Building the consolidated Minecraft model was done by choosing the best solutions for every segment which resulted in the final model in Minecraft.
Some key messages of the workshop are that community needs and is ready to be actively involved in the city's design processes. Not only urban, but economic, social, environmental and all that affect general population. After three days of extensive workshop, all challenges were overcome by the participants, while the produced ideas and designs overreached expectations of the entire group and the municipality officials. Creativity certificates were delivered to the participants, showing dedication and enthusiasm to be involved in future projects of designing their city via playing Minecraft.