News and Events
Field Workshop on Informal Settlements in Pejë/Pec
The workshop in Pejë/Pec held on 14th of June 2007 was the second field workshop initiated by the working group on Informal Settlements with the main actors from Municipality of Peja/Pec, Association of Municipalities of Kosovo (AMK), Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP), OSCE mission in Kosovo and UN-HABITAT/MuSPP programme.
Participants in the workshop identified and discuss a broad spectrum of informal settlements issues in the field which relate to municipal/ urban development planning, as well as mechanisms that need to be found for the prevention and upgrading of informal settlements.
The workshop is part of a process to address informal settlements at local and central, local and community levels in line with government priorities and the European Partnership Action Plan (EPAP). The outcome and experiences from the field workshops will subsequently be integrated in the next steps of the envisaged process, such as training for municipalities, the development of Kosovo-wide strategy for informal settlements and a policy conference later this year.