News and Events
UN-HABITAT supports Association of Kosovo Municipalities in Legal Issues
Based on
support given to Association of Kosovo Municipalities by UN-HABITAT, in the
meeting of the Collegium of Spatial Planning, held on 13th of March
2009, UN-HABITAT presented the amendments of the Law on Spatial Planning. The
presentation was done by the legal adviser of UN-HABITAT, Mr.Lazim Salihu.
This meeting
gave opportunity to the directors of Urbanism Planning and Cadastre (which
composes the collegium) to be informed with the amendments of Law on Spatial
Planning. The main focus was on the Spatial Planning issues such as: the
purpose of the Law; definitions and planning subjects, informal settlements,
database, implementation of plans, urban permit and temporary conditions on
spatial regularisation as well as deadline for drafting of plans.The
presentation was interactive while raising a lot of questions among the
This was the first time the amendments of the Law on Spatial Planning were presented to the collegium. Future steps to be taken regarding the work of this collegium, as well as the results of the questionnaires done for capacities of municipal directorates on planning in Kosovo were also discussed. In this regard the Collegium on Spatial Planning is supported by USAID/Effective Municipal Initiative. The recommendations derived from this meeting were focused on establishment of working group to work on the structure of municipal planning directorates, as well as the initiation of thematic debates on specific planning issues.In the upcoming meeting Illegal Construction will be the main topic for discussion.
agreed with the collegium to continue to support it on its work.