News and Events
MuSSP and Sida continue supporting MESP
and Sida delegations, met with the Minister of Environment and Spatial
Planning, Mahir Yagcilar on Thursday, January 14th 2010, as part of
the Tri-Partite Review agenda for the Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme
The meeting
focused on the lessons learned from the implementation of the programme as well
as new ideas for future cooperation.
In his
opening remarks, the Minister expressed his gratitude to MuSPP and Sida for the
support given to the MESP and Kosovo municipalities and expressed hope for
further cooperation between MuSPP and MESP.
The Minister
highlighted the priorities of the ministry where MuSPP support would be
appreciated. These included the support to the Kosovo Spatial Plan, as well as
to five new municipalities, which resulted from the decentralisation process,
and other municipalities in drafting of municipal development plans.
Informal Settlements
were also mentioned as an issue high on the MESP agenda. In this regard MESP noted
that when it comes to drafting strategies the professional and financial
support is needed. Related to this, the Minister recommended that the housing
programme should be carried out in coordination jointly by the MESP and
MuSPP. The environmental component
should get a stronger emphasis in the municipal and urban development plans
minister said, and the support of UN-HABITAT is necessary in this topic.
UN-HABITAT and Sida delegations were also informed that the law for the capital
city of
and Sida representatives greeted the impressive progress of the programme made
especially in the smaller municipalities where the planning documents are being
made in house with the strong support of MuSPP Team and involvement of the
Institute and Department of Spatial Planning within Ministry of Spatial
The three
parties in this meeting, the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning,
UN-HABITAT and Sida assured that the support to the planning process in all
MuSPP Municipalities will continue and will contribute to a better urban future
in Kosovo.