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6th Regional Vienna Declaration Review Meeting

The 6th Regional Vienna Declaration Review Meeting was held on 3-4 June, 2010, in Budapest. The meeting was organized by the UN-HABITAT, Warsaw Office, in a partnership with the Hungarian Urban Knowledge Centre Nonprofit Ltd.

The member states of the Vienna Declaration respectively the countries of South-East Europe were represented by the central government representatives, regional experts from local government, NGOs and Academia, as well as international experts and organizations.

The key achievements and challenges (since February 2009) were presented and discussed for each SEE country. Regarding the integration of informal settlements and vulnerable groups in practice, there were many case studies presented as well as implementation, tools and lessons learned were raised during the interactive discussions. The delegation of Kosovo, which consisted of representatives of Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (Housing and Construction Department), Municipality of Pejë/Peč and UN-HABITAT, Kosovo Office, presented the Urban Regulatory Plan of Zatra informal settlement in the Municipality of Pejë/Peč. The presentation was done by the local planners Mrs.Vjollca Zatriqi Shala and Mr.Shkelqim Daci. The representative of Association of Kosovo Municipalities as part of NALAS (Network of Association of Local Authorities in South-East Europe) participated too.

There was a good opportunity for the member states to be informed about a devising of a monitoring system for the Vienna Declaration which was introduced by Dr.Sasha Tsenkova from the Calgary University in Canada. The discussion was focused also on proposed programme document for the Regional Capacity Strengthening Programme implementation phase (strategic orientations, activities, institutional arrangements, etc.), financial and political support and recommendations for the way forward.

The Regional Vienna Declaration Review Meeting gave the opportunity of sharing different experiences and information between SEE countries on the existing situation of informal settlements, legalization process, and future planned projects aiming at upgrading and improving the living conditions in these settlements.

Kosovo is a signatory to the Vienna Declaration and has been participating in the meetings since 2005. Regular meetings provide for the presentation of achievements of the member states in addressing informal settlements.  



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