News and Events
Municipal officers of Gračanica/Graçanicë were hosted by the municipal officers of Junik
officers from the
municipal working group of Junik presented the process and in-house approach
used during the drafting of their MDP. Furthermore, they elaborated each phase
of the MDP and highlighted the challenges they faced in finding proper
solutions to improve the living conditions of their municipality.
Taking into
consideration their experience gained and capacities built during the process,
they encouraged the municipal officers of Gračanica/Graçanicë to follow the
same method and use their own capacities with the support of professional
partners, for better planning of the future development of their municipality.
The meeting
was initiated by UN-HABITAT/MuSPP and the Municipality of Gračanica/Graçanicë,
with the aim of sharing inter-municipal experiences during the spatial and
urban planning process.
Municipality of Gračanica/Graçanicë is in the initial phase of drafting its MDP
and will be supported by MuSPP throughout the process.