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Concrete steps taken for bringing a vision into reality for Peja/Pec
For the first time in its history Kosovo will be participating in Europan, one of the most prestigious architecture and urbanism competitions in Europe. The competition invites young architects and urban designers up to 40 years old to support cities and developers in finding innovative solutions for the transformation of urban locations.
The city of Peja//Pec was chosen to be a pioneer in this competition and its proposal for the competition is: To design a new Education, Sports and Tourism Area on the site of the former military barracks in the southwest of Pejë/Pec town.
The aim of the competition is to enhance and encourage the formulation of detailed urban development strategies in Peja/Pec Municipality, with integrated designs that support the Urban Regulatory Plans and their implementation process, while focusing closely on crucial issues of sustainability be that social, economic or environmental.
The whole idea for this project derived from the visioning workshop for Peja/Pec Municipality which was held in August 2007. The visioning workshop was organized for an Urban Regulatory Plan for the zone called EST and the vision declaration stated that : New Education, Sports and Tourism zone EST will be developed at the verge of the Cursed Mountains National Park, enclosed by the neighborhoods of Zatra, Dardania and Bellopoja and the Karagaç Park. It will be an attractive and easily accessible attraction for all other centers of the region. EST will become a part of the tourism offering of the Dukagjini region, and will be a place where nature and health comes together. It will also become an intellectual centre for the region, by providing space for a Sport University. Regarding the sports function, EST will compete in the region for organizing international competitions.
Today this project will be brought to life with an initiative of Peja/Peć Municipality and EUROPAN (, and the best designs and proposals for this area will provide a positive change to the quality of life of the Peja/Peć citizens.