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Malisheva/Malisevo challenges workshop
In the process of drafting the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) for Malisheva/Malisevo municipality, UN-Habitat's Municipal Spatial planning Support Programme together with the municipality organised the workshop on identifying Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The workshop also included the discussion on the development challenges for this municipality. The workshop was held in Malisheve/Malisevo on 15th of October 2012 and its results will feed in as a component of the first phase of the plan, the profile.
The participants in the workshop were of different working backgrounds including: municipal officers from all directorates of the municipality, civil society, mayor's office representatives, Handikos and other relevant stakeholders, already involved in the MDP drafting process. Present at the workshop were also the representatives of the Institute of Spatial Planning within the Ministry of Spatial Planning, who conducted presentation on the challenges at Kosovo level, identified in Kosovo spatial plan as well as example of the challenges in different municipalities. The entire workshop was prepared and facilitated by MuSPP professional support.
Representatives were divided into 5 working groups based on thematic areas and then SWOT analysis was done separately in each of them. The thematic areas included: demography and social development, housing and settlements, economic development, environment natural resources and cultural heritage, and Infrastructure and public services. The results of each SWOT analysis were presented to other groups, so that everyone could comment on them. They were also a basis for identification of the challenges in each thematic area. The biggest challenges identified during this exercise were the improvement of economic development and better water and waste management. These challenges will be the basis for setting the objectives for next 10 years for the municipality of MalishevaMalisevo, and they will present the needs and request of all relevant stakeholders. Apart from the local professional knowledge of participants, the data from the profile was also used as information source in order to have a better picture of the entire municipality.
Malisheva/Malisevo municipality is one of 12 MuSPP partner municipalities. It is one of a few in Kosovo that is drafting the MDP in-house, with municipal staff and the professional support of the MuSPP staff on daily basis. The maps of the MDP in GIS are also being produced and updated by the municipal staff which gives a foundation for the sustainability of this process.