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Pilot Municipal Development Plan reaches its final component through Action Planning for Malishevë/Mališevo
The first in-house drafted Municipal Development Plan (MDP) according to the new Law on Spatial Planning is approaching its completion. This journey of Malishevë/Mališevo MDP, continuously supported by MuSPP, has reached down to the concrete level of action planning. Considering the importance of the Action Plan and in order to enable developing a creative thinking environment, the Municipality of Malishevë/Mališevo and MuSPP jointly organized an Action Planning Workshop, a three day event held during 13 - 15 April 2016, in Prizren.
The aim of the workshop was to concretise the MDP down to the action level by developing the Action Plan based on the MDP components - Situation Analyses; Vision, Goals and Objectives; Spatial Development Concept; Strategic Priorities. Also, the aim was to continue the in-house approach and develop the Action Plan through joint and coordinated engagement of the municipal departments and other relevant stakeholders.
The process of developing the Action Plan was done through group work based on four general development areas - Social Development, Economic Development, Spatial Development and Environment, and Infrastructure. For each of the problems within the planned objectives several alternative solutions were given, while the actions were developed from the selected alternatives. In order to ensure a complete implementation framework, the working process continued on designating the responsible entities, time frames, resources, possible costs and indicators for each of the actions. At the end of each working group session, the outputs were presented and discussed by all the participants.
The spectrum of participants covered both legislative and executive bodies of the municipality, as well as the business community. During the three days of workshop, municipal professionals from eight departments actively participated - Urbanism; Economy and Finances; Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development; Emergency and Protection; Education; Culture, Youth and Sports; Inspectorate. Besides the municipal departments, the Municipal Assembly was also represented by one of its members, also being a member of Policy and Finance Commission. The business community was represented through a member of the Business Association.
The Action Plan, as the final component, will be presented on the public review of the MDP of Malishevë/Mališevo, during which the public will have the opportunity to see this strategic document from the vision down to the concrete action level, and evaluate its impact on their everyday lives, as well as on their development ambitions.