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Dedicated training on Gender Mainstreaming in Spatial Planning held in Prishtina/ Pristina to extended audience!
In the spirit of rolling-out MuSPP Sustainability Toolbox, UN Habitat together with the partnering organizations of UN Women and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) as well as the Agency of Gender Equality (AGE) of the Prime Minister's Office organized one-day training event on Gender Mainstreaming in Spatial Planning, on May 4th 2016 in Prishtina/ Pristina. The training was facilitated by both officials from UN-Habitat and UN Women and offered a tailored and revisited content of the gender sub-module initially included in the MuSPP 'public participation in spatial planning' training modules. The event brought together in a relaxed and view-sharing atmosphere about 20 participants, consisting of representatives from AGE, MESP, and municipalities of Mitrovicë/ Mitrovica, Prishtinë/ Pristina dhe Lipjan/ Lipljan.
Ms. Arijeta Himaduna, UN-Habitat's gender and civil society officer, opened the event by stressing the importance of diverse (with emphasize on gender difference) perspectives, ideas and inputs in spatial planning. For everyone's information she went briefly through the agenda and left the floor for opening remarks to: Ms. Leonora Selmani, representative of AGE; Ms. Besa Luzha, representative of FES; Ms. Ilirjana Perteshoni, representative of MESP and Ms. Flora Macula, representative of UN Women. All emphasized their opinion-change through the years of working and training in terms of the importance of everyone's involvement in social processes, including spatial planning, sharing illustration with real examples of gender biased opinions and expectations in Kosovan society, and stressing the need for organizing of such trainings, etc. The manual 'Gender Mainstreaming in Spatial Planning: A Step-by-Step Approach for Municipalities', prepared by UN-Habitat and AGE, was mentioned as an important document to consult during similar processes. They also all agreed that Kosovo institutions and society should go forward from having good legislation and policies to establishing the mechanisms for women involvement in all activities.
Ms. Flora Macula, through a presentation-discussions mode, commenced the facilitation by providing general information about the difference of gender and sex, expectations for men and women in different societies that lead to stereotypes, prejudices that when combined with activities accordingly, can be turned into a both formal and informal discrimination and violation of human rights. All these terms used were illustrated by realistic examples taken from the situations created by Kosovan society. Ms. Arijeta Himaduna continued the facilitation by getting the participants further acquainted with the inclusion and participation of the public and all counterparts in spatial planning, always highlighting the gender perspective during the process. The substance was thoroughly worked on and discussed also during the exercises prepared for the purpose. The exercises had to do with the improvement of public spaces and participants in the group work had to provide their opinions according to their gender, professional and cultural background.
In the end all the participants were ceremonially given certificates of attendance.