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Fostering a collective reflection on Prishtina/Priština Public Space!
As part of the project "Block by Block Prishtina/Priština" within the UN-Habitat Global Public Space Programme, the consultation process aiming at facilitating an iterative discussion on public space in the city of Prishtina/Priština went on successfully. A series of focus group meetings were organized by UN-Habitat in partnership with the Municipality of Prishtina/Priština, which were held during 28 to 29th of June, complementing the first on 16th of March 2016.
This process aimed at enabling a collective reflection on the quality and variety of public space current supply in the city, the respective development and management practice as well as challenges and opportunities for an improved and holistic approach towards public space in Prishtina/Priština.
The topic was discussed from three different perspectives such as local administration, users perspective as well as those driving or contributing to the transformation in the city. The focus group meetings brought together a large number of stakeholders including the local administration, representatives of local community committee, media, police forces, cultural institutions, local and international NGOs advocating for women empowerment, youth and children, elderly, persons with disabilities, environmental sustainability, and independent cultural agents. Representatives of construction companies, design studios, academia and independent artists, local and international NGOs contributing to public space revitalization through individual initiative or support to the local administration also shared their views.
The findings will enrich the 'Public Space Profile' being drafted by UN-Habitat Kosovo and the Municipality, as a first foundation to move towards the formulation of a city-wide public space policy.