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GIS Training Delivered for Municipal Planning Teams in north Kosovo
At the end of May, 2017, UN-Habitat delivered one-day Geographic Information System (GIS) training in partnership with the Institute of Spatial Planning of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP). The WebGIS (geo-portal) and QGIS introductory training was held on the 30th of May and given by a GIS expert from MESP. The training was delivered within the framework of the Inclusive Development Programme a four-year programme jointly implemented by UN-Habitat, PAX and Community Building Mitrovica (CBM).
The participants are central level and municipal staff from the four Serb-majority municipalities of Zvecan, Zubin Potok, Leposavic and Mitrovica North. All of the participants have different educational backgrounds and varying levels of work experience. During the GIS training, the municipal staff and selected north-based MESP officers had the opportunity to become acquainted with the software and apply it practically to their respective municipalities. After the training was completed, several of the participants expressed that they would like to continue developing their skills in using digital mapping tools.
The GIS training is the first step of the Rapid Spatial and Sectoral Situation Documentation and Assessment. The next step is a series of cartographic documentation workshops, where the participants will create registries of facilities and networks in their respective municipalities. The aim of these exercises is to create a catalogue for future spatial and sectoral planning interventions, which in turn will lay the groundwork for drafting Municipal Development Plans.
The programme Fostering inclusive development and good governance in northern Kosovo is funded by the Swedish Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). The aim of the programme is to strengthen municipal planning capacities in the northern municipalities of Kosovo and promote good governance principles, such as transparency and accountability, in the respective local government administrations. In addition to this, the initiative strives to strengthen the social contract through civil society mobilization and public dialogue, and to support improvements in the provision of public services through enhanced inter-municipal and local-central government communication and coordination.
For social media updates, please visit the Inclusive Development Programme Facebook Page.