News and Events
Good Urban Governance and civil society's role in decision-making discussed
Within the MuSPP programme, UN-HABITAT in close cooperation with the Office for Good Governance, Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Gender Issues in the office of the Prime Minister, and with the Advocacy, Training and
The conference aimed at presenting the concepts of good governance and its significance for democratic processes. The conference focused on how these principles are or could be incorporated into operations of local governments in the context of municipal spatial planning. The conference provide an opportunity for presenting examples of good governance practices in Kosovo at the central and at the municipal level, including UN-HABITATs activities, as well as bringing regional and broad international perspective into the discussion.
The conference was preceded by the roundtable debate on the role of civil society and citizens in decision making which took place in Prishtina on June the 14th.
Public participation and citizens engagement made part of Good Governance principles and are seen as an important element of participatory and inclusive decision making.