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Gorance settlement from Hani Elezit Municipality selected as potential site for a biological sewage treatment plant
In 2014, the Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) partnered with Harju County Enterpreneurship and Development Consultancy (HCEDC) for the implementation of the project "Sustainable development in Kosovo: introducing Estonian practices on waste and water management in Kosovo municipalities" funded by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Development Cooperation Programme. As a part of the project, a mini-grant programme was organized to project a biological purification plant for one Kosovo settlement. Whilst the programme targeted to identify and select a suitable site for a small-scale, affordable but yet effective treatment facility in Kosovo, similar ways to treat wastewater in small settlements were introduced to representatives from 12 Kosovo municipalities when they visited Estonia earlier in 2014 and these were found to be very interesting and potentially replicable in Kosovo.
Seven applications from MuSPP partner municipalities were received and evaluated by a jury composed of UN-Habitat and HCEDC according to the following criteria: environmental and socio-economic benefits of the project, financial sustainability, replicability and quality of the application. Several sites described in submitted applications were also visited by Estonian consultants during their consultation visit to Kosovo last June.
As a result, the application submitted by Hani Elezit Municipality was selected. According to HCEDC's project expert, Gorance settlement is a good site example to implement biological purification technology with its population of around 1000 inhabitants, dense habitation and closeness to the river. As a follow-up, Estonian engineers will now prepare a preliminary technical project for the Gorance's purification plant - which would hopefully be an effective basis in support of municipality's efforts to mobilize funding in order to build-up the plant.