News and Events
Municipal Profile and Gender in northern Municipalities
The beginning of March was marked with a number of successful bilateral and focus groups meetings, as part of planned activities regarding the 'Gender Analysis' specific to the North Kosovo. These activities fall under the programme ''Fostering inclusive development and good governance in northern Kosovo'' co-implemented by UN-Habitat and PAX/ Community Building Mitrovica.
This process aimed at enabling a reflection on gender roles in those municipalities through documenting and discussing topics such as: gender-sensitive urban governance, access to municipal services, women's rights to land and property, livelihoods and employment, safety and security as well as challenges that communities are facing in their daily life.
In particular, meetings in Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic were held from 1st to 3rd of March 2017 with representatives of the civil society organizations, citizens, health institutions, Kosovo police and religion institutions with different background and age: urban, rural, (un)employed, secondary and university education, etc. . The purpose was to share and exchange views and experiences regarding the specific roles and resources for the women and men, boys and girls as well as to understand and illustrate whether there are barriers to access existing services, the influencing factors (political, economical, cultural) and opportunities.
The findings will constitute a substantial contribution for conducting the Gender analysis specific for North Kosovo municipalities as important foundation towards the compilation of the baseline assessment and implementation of the Programme.