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Partes-Pasjane 2022+ Vision Public presentation brings together local community and stakeholders
A new municipality with rich cultural tradition that is socially advanced and ecologically conscious, with transformed agriculture and infrastructure that aspires for sustainable development is Partes-Pasjane 2022+ integrated vision statement, formulated by a group of twenty-five individuals during a four-day workshop facilitated by UN-Habitat/ Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme in Kosovo (MuSPP) in partnership with Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB), Department of Spatial Planning (DSP-MESP) and Institute of Spatial Planning (ISP-MESP) and supported by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES).The results of the Partes-Pasjane 2022+ visioning workshop were presented to a wider audience, on January 25, 2012, in the premises of the Municipal Hall in Pasjan/ Pasjane, offering the opportunity to each community member to discuss and introduce new ideas for local development.
In the opening speech, the Mayor of the Municipality of Partesh-Pasjan/ Partes-Pasjane, Mr. Nenad Cvetkovic, thanked UN-HABITAT/ MuSPP team, its partners as well as the central government institutions, for supporting the visioning workshop as well as the community representatives attending the presentation, emphasizing the great role the community involvement plays in the sustainability of long range development plans. Appreciation was also given to mass media for their presence.
Mr. Shpetim Rudi, Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) during his speech referred to legal provisions for drafting and implementing Municipal and Urban Development plans as tools to guideĀ local development. Mr. Enes Toska, Programme Manager at CHwB, expressed the will to support further the municipality through cultural heritage projects. The presentation was also attended by Mr. Nebojsa Arsic, Advisor at the Ministry of Local Government Administration (MLGA).
The Head of UN-Habitat Office in Kosovo and the Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme funded by the Government of Sweden. Sida, Mrs. Krystyna Galezia said that the visioning workshop is an important phase in the process of development planning. Mrs. Galezia in her remarks said she was happy to see the progress in the work of MDP and transition from generating ideas to more concrete collection of data for the preparation of other parts of the plan. She referred to municipal motto: I came, I visited, I remained- as sharing the commitment of the community to work for the future of next generations and those who return to Partesh-Pasjan/ Partes-Pasjane. She also stressed the importance of using experiences and knowledge to create new opportunities and to preserve cultural and natural resources while MDP an instrument for achieving these goods. She declared the will and readiness of MuSPP/ UN-Habitat team to support local authorities of the municipality and civil society in pursuing the goals of the vision and improving the living conditions of the citizens. Mrs. Galezia emphasized the need for extensive donor collaboration, aiming at a constructive dialogue and a shared vision with the Municipality of Partesh-Pasjan/ Partes-Pasjan on their priorities as well as improving the flow of relevant information among the stakeholders.
The visioning workshop presentation was conducted by a team of selected participants in the workshop and representatives of each of the following thematic groups, encompassing Environment Protection, Land Use and Natural and Cultural Heritage; Economic Development and Agriculture; Housing/ Settlements, Social Services and Return and Infrastructure and Mobility.
The presentation was followed by open discussions and culminated with an exhibition Partes-Pasjane 2022+ Vision Illustrated representing thematic visions transformed into a spatial development context, prepared by the participants during the visioning workshop.
The event concluded with a ceremony of exchanging Memorandums of Understanding, which set agendas for further cooperation between MuSPP/ UN-Habitat and the Municipality of Partesh-Pasjane/ Partes-Pasjane in the next phase of the Programme.
Complete report on Partes-Pasjane 2022+ Visioning Workshop is available in all three official languages and it can be found under the section Publications/UN-HABITAT Kosovo/ publications/reports.