News and Events
Public debate on Strategic Environment Assessment for the MDP of Prizren
In line with an inclusive, participatory and transparent planning process, Municipality of Prizren is announcing the Public Debate for Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA) Report for the Municipal Development Plan. The presentation of SEA report will be held on the 3rd of December 2012, in the Municipal Building - Conference Room - at 11:00, Prizren. The draft-report can be downloaded here:
The SEA process for the MDP of Prizren has been supported and facilitated by the UN Habitat's Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme funded by Sweden. The final report was drafted by an independent SEA expert.
MuSPP partner municipalities are the first ones to draft the Strategic Environment Assessment for their MDPs, with the support of MuSPP consultants. The approved Law on SEA (No.03/L-015) states that drafting of a SEA report is obligatory for all MDPs. The MDP of Prizren is at its final stage and soon it will be finalised together with the SEA report. The SEA will broadly contribute to assess the environmental impacts of the MDP strategies and will contribute to the sustainable development of the municipality of Prizren.