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Spatial Planning in Kosovo as topic of a lecture at the University of Florence
Last month Kosovars celebrated the first
year since they declared their independence. Exuberant scenes of happy people,
music, dance ... and an incredible orchestrated fireworks. The daily reality is
a little less exuberant. Not only in the economic terms as the unemployment
rate is
more than 40%, but also in terms of institutional legislation. The adoption of the new constitutional law in 2008, as well as
several amendments to existing should lead among others to a more efficient and
effective public administration including the field of spatial planning. One of
the preconditions for the greater spatial order is the availability of educated
urban planners and UN-HABITAT as the implementer of the Municipal Spatial
Planning Support Programme supports initiatives aimed at establishing closer
cooperation between Kosovo academics and their counterparts in
Recently, Huig Deneef, a spatial planning
advisor working for MuSPP in Peja/Pec, was invited by the head of Department of
Spatial and Regional Planning of the
The lecture delivered on February 10, 2009
was attended by students, professors and professionals. The first part of the lecture
had an informative character and set a broader context for the spatial planning
legislation and practice, both before and after the conflict, and presented
UN-HABITATs engagement in this field through its current and earlier
programmes. The second part was focused on discussion that was triggered by
statements referring to the mechanisms aimed at enforcing development control, such
as legislative framework, and on the need for empowering civil society.
Contrary to the highly-regulated Italian
spatial planning, the laboratory-planning environment seems to be of interest
to academics in order to find creative ways to implement sustainable spatial
planning policies. Several topics were intensively discussed like the use of zoning
plans or the importance of so called inverse planning. For the clarity of
the discussion the two concepts were defined as follows: zoning plan refers
to a general approach to fit all spatial development activities in one plan,
like the Urban Development Plan. Inverse planning refers to the planning and
regulation of the land not allocated for construction by defining and determining
the value of agricultural land, water,
forests, natural areas, etc.. The complementary incremental planning approach
seems also valid for
illustrate the need for the mix of these approaches, Huig Deneef in his lecture
made reference to a project plan for a by-pass road in Peja/Pec. UN-HABITAT
team in Peja/Pec is working on both levels by implementing strategic projects
which include mechanism for development control and improving the quality of
life. The project aims to upgrade the by-pass road in Peja/Pec. This will
regulate on one hand urban development as the road will function as an urban
boundary, while on the other hand, re-directing the traffic flow from the city
centre to the by-pass road will improve the quality of life for the citizens in
terms of the level of noise, air pollution and road safety.
As a direct follow up to the established
cooperation with the