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The SymbioCity Approach presented to Kosovo Municipalities
UN-Habitat's Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) financed by the Swedish Development Corporation organised the "SymbioCity Seminar and Workshop". The seminar was held on 14th of May 2013, where planners and environmental officers from all Kosovo municipalities had an opportunity to learn more about a conceptual framework for sustainable urban development - The SymbioCity Approach.
The aim of the seminar was to fully introduce sustainability appraisal and SKL International expert, Ms. Annakarin Lindberg gave an overview of this Swedish initiative. During the seminar, there was also an introduction to the SymbioCity approach by another Swedish expert, Mr. Tor Eriksson, as well as a discussion of different international case studies. The SymbioCity Approach provides guidance and tools to support sustainable urban development processes based on the idea of turning challenges into opportunities, and has the human being as the centre of its attention.
The five cases shown from the international experiences were from different places around the world. However, the City of Skopje was given more attention due to its proximity and similarities with the Kosovo context. The methods and tools used particularly in relation to urban transport were further elaborated.
After the presentations which led to a lively discussion the experts gave more clarification why this tool is being used more and more worldwide, because SymbioCity promotes an integrated and multidisciplinary approach to urban development, which is relevant in developing, transitional and developed countries. It was emphasised that the SymbioCity approach should complement rather than replace regulatory frameworks and policies which are applicable in different countries.
On the second and third day a workshop was organised with more focused groups with MuSPP partner municipalities where the participants had an opportunity to use this exercise in very concrete examples in their municipalities. Each group analysed one of the most important issues in their municipality giving a very thorough analysis of this issue, as well as the measures taken to improve the situation, with the use of SymbioCity tools and methods.