Public discussion on MDP Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA) of Hani i Elezit
We are pleased to invite you to the Public discussion on
MDP Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA) of Hani i Elezit/General Jankovic
which is organized jointly by the Municipality of Hani i Elezit/General
Jankovic and the Sida-funded Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme,
implemented by UN-HABITAT.
In 2008 the Municipal Assembly made the decision for
drafting Municipal Development Plan. The plan has
been drafted by the Municipality with the support of the Municipal Spatial
Planning Support Programme in Kosovo (MuSPP) UN-HABITAT. In October 2010 the Law on Strategic Environmental
Assessment was approved by Kosovo Parliament. The Law requires all Development
Plans and Programmes to undertake an SEA. Even though the Municipality made the
decision and drafted the plan before this law came into the force, considering
the Environmental issues in Hani i Elezit the Municipality decided to draft the
MDP SEA report. An international consultant was hired by UN-HABITAT for this
The scoping report was drafted on December 2010 and
finalized in January 2011 in cooperation with Municipal and MuSPP officers
(planning team). The planning team and SEA consultant consulted the Ministry of
Environment about the future steps and was agreed to organize a public
discussion after the SEA has been translated into Albanian. The SEA report was
drafted by the SEA consultant; the process and findings was presented to
Municipal officers and to MESP.
According to the SEA Law it is required to have a public debate.
The draft SEA report and MDP in Albanian and English version can be downloaded
in this link:
and also the
Municipality of
Hani i Elezit website: The physical copy can be obtained from the Department
of Urbanism in
Municipality of
Hani i Elezit.
The aim of this debate is to present the process for drafting
the SEA report and findings and to collect ideas and opinions from relevant
institutions and concerned public.
The event
will be held in the Municipal Assembly Hall on Thursday 10th of
March 2011 from 13:00 hrs.