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Public review for the draft-Strategic Environment Assesment for the MDP of Partesh - opened
The Municipality of Parteš/Partesh, supported by the Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) implemented by UN-Habitat and financed by the Swedish Development Cooperation, opened the public review for the draft -Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) report for the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) of Parteš/Partesh. The opening ceremony took place on October 11th, 2013, at 11:00 in the Municipal Administration Building Partesh/Partes in Pasjane/ Pasjan.
The purpose of this event was to officially launch the public review of the draft report thus providing the possibility for the attendees; which included citizens, representatives from government and non-governmental institutions, international organizations, civil society, business community and other stakeholders, to look through and understand the content of the draft SEA report for Parteš/Partesh MDP . During the public review of the draft-SEA, which will be publicly displayed for a month (according to the Law on SEA), all stakeholders will have a chance to provide comments and raise issues in regards to the proposals derived from the draft-SEA before it is sent to the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning for consent.
The draft-SEA provides an assessment on important environmental effects that might be caused with plan implementation and proposes measures to eliminate or minimize those effects. A brief presentation was given on the structure and content of the report, notably the baseline information for the Municipality of Parteš/Partesh, issues and opportunities occurring within the Municipality, objectives of SEA report, MDP content summary, assessment of MDP objectives in line with those of the SEA, assessment of environmental effects, analysis of external compatibility, a monitoring plan proposal and non-technical summary.
The public review of the SEA will remain opened for 30 calendar days.