News and Events
Tour de Culture 2009
Practicalities in Brief
the success of the first Culture tour in 2008, the second tour is being
organised on 27th of September 2009. It is a leisure bicycle tour from Junik to
Gjakova/Djakovica and from Gjakova/Djakovica via Rahovec/Orahovec to Hoqa e
Madhe/Velika Hoca. Just like last year, the tour will include several
stop-overs for refreshments and visiting various interesting cultural heritage
sites on the way. In between, enjoy the beautiful country and scenery of the South
West Kosovo. The Culture Tour is also a
social event intended to bring together people and organisations interested in
the promotion of the cultural and natural assets of Kosovo. Therefore, do not forget your cameras.
The Culture
Tour will follow less busy, country roads, which will add to the scenic
character of the itinerary, and be led by competent guides. The tour is
not a race and will give the cyclist the opportunity to cover the itinerary at
their individual pace, or chose to join or leave the tour at any time. The
route has been designed in such a way as to suit both male and female cyclists
of all ages.
If you feel
like using another type of non-motorised transport (jogging, skating, horse,
etc.) please feel free to do so, for part or for the whole trip.
If you plan
to participate, please inform us as soon as possible by writing to,
individually or as a group, so refreshments, food can be ordered accordingly.
You will
receive further practical information through the same channel.
Objectives of the Culture Tour
The Culture
Tour is organised on the occasion of European Cultural Heritage Days which
starts on 11th of September 2009.
To find out
more about the European Cultural Heritage Days, visit:
Tour objectives are:
existing sites/landmark of cultural and natural heritage in Kosovo
inter ethnic and inter religious cooperation
non-motorised transport for more efficient mobility for all, for healthy
lifestyles and for a cleaner environment
awareness among Kosovo citizens and decision makers about the importance of
safer roads and non-motorised transport itineraries
potential sites for developing sustainable tourism
equal participation and involvement of men and women, boys and girls in
out-door leisure activities.
Tour is an annual event. It is growing with each edition and is becoming
a Kosovo wide popular event. Be part of it!
Municipalities of Junik, Gjakova/Djakovica, Rahovec/Orahovac and community
leaders of Hoqa e Madhe/Velika Hoca participate and co-organise the Culture
Tour 2009 as part of their mobility and cultural heritage policies.
Culture Tour is co-organised by:
Heritage without Borders, Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme
implemented by UN-HABITAT and funded by Sida, European Commission Liaison
Office, Council of Europe, Cyclist Federation of Kosovo and Cycling Clubs of
Peja/Pec and Gjakova/Djakovica.
Special Information Note:
ambulance, a mechanic and a back-up truck will accompany the tour. Refreshment
and food as well as transport will be provided. BUT participation is at
own risk, the organiser decline any responsibility for your health, safety and
comfort. You should be able to rely on
your own fitness, equipment and logistics at all times.