UN-HABITAT Pristina Office
Ministries Building "Rilindja" 10th Floor
10000 Prishtina, Kosovo
Phone: +381 38 20032611
Fax: +381 38 224 122
E-mail: info@unhabitat-kosovo.org
07 December 2017
On 6-7 December 2017, UN-Habitat and UN Women jointly hosted a regional conference on ‘Enhancing the Right to the City for All by improving Public Space and Urban Safety’ in Skopje, Macedonia. The conference provided participants with the opportunity to showcase regional and international best practices, and to discuss improving public space and urban safety in the Balkans, with a particular focus on women and girls. Participants emphasized the urgent need for holistic, integrated and gender-sensitive approaches to urban safety and to public space design, planning, and management.
24 November 2017
During the third week of November 2017,framed within the Inclusive Development Programme and facilitated by UN-Habitat and Community Building Mitrovica, a programmatic workshop was held with the participation of more than thirty-five representatives from the partner municipalities of Leposavic, Mitrovica North, ZubinPotok and Zvecan, as well as the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) and Ministry of Local Government Administration (MLGA).
15 September 2017
Last week, on 10-14 September, 2017, were held in Durrës the programmatic workshops for two partner municipalities (Skenderaj/ Srbica and Vushtrri/ Vucitrn) of the Inclusive Development Programme. The main purpose of the workshops was to familiarize various municipal officials from diverse departments with the importance of spatial planning and their respective roles, especially when it comes to the drafting and implementation of various planning documents. More specifically these workshops aimed at making all participants further acquainted with the objectives of the Inclusive Development Programme and respective components tailored to their needs and to be supported by UN-Habitat, PAX and CBM, as well as getting commitment by all respective stakeholders to devote and take responsibility during development and implementation of working plans for these components.
30 June 2017
On the 30th of June, 2017, a pre-visioning workshop was held for all Inclusive Development Programme partners. The purpose of the workshop was to share and exchange experiences on the visioning tool and methodology, ahead of future implementation of this method in the seven partner municipalities: Leposavic/Leposaviq, Mitrovica South, Mitrovica North, Zubin Potok, Zvecan, Skenderaj/Srbica and Vushtrri/Vucitrn.
08 June 2017
During the first week of June, 2017, UN-Habitat delivered a series of cartographic documentation workshops for central level and municipal staff from the four Serb-majority municipalities of Zvecan, Zubin Potok, Leposavic and Mitrovica North. The workshops are part of the Inclusive Development Programme , an initiative implemented by UN-Habitat and its partner agencies, PAX and Community Building Mitrovica (CBM), in seven municipalities.
30 May 2017
At the end of May, 2017, UN-Habitat delivered one-day Geographic Information System (GIS) training in partnership with the Institute of Spatial Planning of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP). The WebGIS (geo-portal) and QGIS introductory training was held on the 30th of May and given by a GIS expert from MESP. The training was delivered within the framework of the Inclusive Development Programme a four-year programme jointly implemented by UN-Habitat, PAX and Community Building Mitrovica (CBM).
03 March 2017
The beginning of March was marked with a number of successful bilateral and focus groups meetings, as part of planned activities regarding the 'Gender Analysis' specific to the North Kosovo. These activities fall under the programme ''Fostering inclusive development and good governance in northern Kosovo'' co-implemented by UN-Habitat and PAX/ Community Building Mitrovica.
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