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UN-HABITAT in South East Europe
Regional Capacity Strengthening Programme for Urban Development and Housing in South
In September 2004, Western Balkan countries signed the Vienna Declaration on Informal Settlements in South East Europe (SEE), committing themselves to undertake measures to address issues and to initiate and implement reforms in the wider orbit of sustainable development and social housing.
The Vienna Ministerial Conference also agreed to develop a capacity strengthening instrument and the preparation of a coherent programme proposal for the SEE region. The Stability Pact brought together senior housing and urban management specialists from SEE, from the International Organizations, UN-HABITAT, EIB, CEB and interested EU member states, to develop a strategy and establish partnerships for the development of a Regional Capacity Strengthening Programme for Urban Development and Housing in SEE (RCSP).
Due to the absence of key EU institutions responsible for matters related to urban development and housing, it has been agreed that UN-HABITAT is well placed to be the main implementing agency of this regional capacity-strengthening programme. Following the endorsement of the programme by SEE stakeholders and IFIs, many activities have taken place including national workshops in the countries of SEE and a regional workshop for the national municipal associations.
Since 2005, regular bi-annual Vienna Declaration Review meetings have been held in various countries of the region. The latest one, in February 2009, was held in
UN-HABITAT is currently formulating a new Programme Document for a three-year regional programme to cover