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International Spatial Design Competition for the Mobility Centre Project in Ferizaj/Urosevac
05 December 2007
Within the Spatial Planning Support Program for Municipalities (MuSPP), UN-Habitat and Municipality of Ferizaj/Urosevac co-funded a Demo-project of International Spatial Design Competition for Mobility Center. This competition has been coming as a result of integrated and all-inclusive process of stakeholders in local and central level, civil society and business community, in order of collecting best ideas for an pragmatic and sustainable solution for transport in city of Ferizaj/Urosevac.
click here for more informationUrban planning best practices on Creating Harmonious Cities
03 December 2007
The Expert Group Meeting (EGM) Urban planning best practices on Creating Harmonious Cities held in Rome on 29th and 30th November 2007. Pejë/Pec was one of selected cities after a formal application procedure approval conducted by the organizsers of the conference. Twelve cities were represented on EGM. The outcome of this meeting was a preliminary draft of recommendations that should finally be approved during World Urban Forum IV in Nanjing, here for more information
Municipal Development Plan Gjilan/Gnjilane 2005-2015+" open for public review
27 November 2007
On November the 26th 2007, the municipality of Gjilan/Gnjilane launched the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) Gjilan/Gnjilane 2005-2015+ for public reviews process. click here for more information
Land subdivision: a neglected aspect of land development in Kosovo
19 November 2007
Houses make a town, but citizens make a city (Jean-Jacques Rousseau) click here for more information
Conference on Public Transport: organisation, policy, planning
22 October 2007
Ministry of Transport and PostTelecommunications, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Association of Municipalities of Kosovo, MuSPP/UN-HABITAT in Kosovo with the support of Capacity Building for European Integration (UNDP/EU), are organizing a conference on Public Transport; organisation, policy and planning. This is the first Conference within a series of Conferences on Transport and Spatial Planning in Kosovo. The Conference will be held on Wednesday, 31st October 2007, Grand Hotel, Pristina, Conference Room 1st floor. click here for more information
Working together in making Kosovo cities safe and just
04 October 2007
Urban crime and violence are at the top of the agenda for many people living in cities. It is now accepted by most national and local spheres of government that urban safety needs to be built from homes and street level up, and incorporated into local and national planning. It cannot be left to the police alone, was the message of Anna Tibaijuka, the Executive Director. It was shared with representatives of local government institutions, experts, youth, media and civil society organizations who participated in the events marking the World Habitat Day in Kosovo on October 1, 2007. click here for more information
Celebration of World Habitat Day 2007
28 September 2007
The United Nations has designated the first Monday in October every year as World Habitat Day (WHD), to reflect on the state of human settlements and the basic right to adequate shelter for all. It is also intended to remind the world of its collective responsibility for the future of the human habitat. The theme of the occasion decreed by the United Nations to reflect on the state of human settlements around the world, this year is A safe city is a just city. click here for more information
Municipal and Urban Development Plans open for public review in Gjakova/Djakovica
25 September 2007
The municipality of Gjakova/Djakovica launched the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and the Urban Development Plan (UDP) for public review process on September 18th, 2007, before they are finalized and sent for approval by the Municipal Assembly. The period of public review, as regulated by the Law on Spatial Planning provides for at least 60 days for an MDP, and at least 30 days for a here for more information
Education, Sports and Tourism zone in Pejë/ Pec
12 September 2007
On the 12th September, the outcomes of the visioning workshop on the former military base in Pejë/ Pec, where a large share of stakeholders and municipal officials attended. The vision declaration states that the new Education, Sports and Tourism zone EST will be developed at the verge of the Cursed Mountains national Park, enclosed by the neighborhoods of Zatra, Dardania and Bellopoja and the Karagaç Park click here for more information
Create a better future for future generation in Gjakova/ Djakovica 2015+
14 July 2007
Gjakova with a wealthy cultural, historical, and natural heritage, the town of rivers, the main centre of Gjakovas highlands and of economic, agricultural development, a free customs zone, open for cooperation with all cities of the region and of Europe, will be the aim of future development is the vision statement developed during a visioning workshop in Ohër/Ohrid in Macedonia, held from 30 June until 04 July 2007. click here for more information
MuSPP Newsletter 3
02 July 2007
MuSPP programme of UN-HABITAT in Kosovo issued the third newsletter. This issue of the newsletter focuses on visioning. A long-term vision for the future of a city is a crucial element in planning for sustainable development and for better quality of life of here for more information
Field Workshop on Informal Settlements in Pejë/Pec
21 June 2007
The workshop in Pejë/ Pec held on 14th of June 2007 was the second field workshop initiated by the working group on Informal Settlements with the main actors from Municipality of Peja/ Pec, Association of Municipalities of Kosovo (AMK), Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP), OSCE mission in Kosovo and UN-HABITAT/MuSPP programme. click here for more information
Visioning Prizren 2015+
20 June 2007
Prizren, it starts here is the motto coined by a group of citizens and professional planners who participated in a 4-day workshop to draft a common vision for Prizren. Participants in the workshop went through the whole planning cycle: learning the ABC of planning, making a collective memory map, selecting topics and key issues, a SWOT analysis, identifying strategies and objectives, and visualizing the desired spatial structures of Prizren. click here for more information
Pejë/Pec Municipal Assembly officially endorses the spatial planning efforts
05 June 2007
On the 14th of May 2007 the Municipal Assembly of Pejë/Pec Municipality approved the Municipal Development Plan and the Urban Development Plan which formally amends the previous 1984 plan with new legal provisions. The two plans, which have taken close to two years to be drafted, were also endorsed by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, making Pejë/Pec the first municipality in Kosovo to have reached this stage. click here for more information
Workshop on Urban Governance Index
01 June 2007
How satisfied are citizens with local authorities and their work? How transparent are local authorities in their decision making? How effective are they in managing funds and collecting revenues? One of the ways to final answer to these questions is to use UGI, a tool developed by UN-HABITAT to measure the quality of governance. click here for more information
Tri Partite Review meeting on MuSPP programme
11 May 2007
Representatives of the UN-HABITAT/MuSPP programme in Kosovo, Swedish Government/ Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) and six municipalities including the civil society representatives met in Prishtina on May, the 10th 2007 to review the current activities of the MuSPP programme and discuss the challenges and further programme development. click here for more information
Swedish delegation visit Prizren
10 May 2007
Representatives of the Swedish Government and Sida in Kosovo, and the representatives of MuSPP/ UN-HABITAT visited Prizren municipality. The delegation was welcomed by Mr. Eqrem Kryeziu, Mayor of Prizren, Mrs. Mybera Mustafa, CEO and other municipal officials. click here for more information
Field workshop on Informal Settlements in Gjakova/ Djakovica
27 April 2007
On 26th of April 2007, municipality of Gjakova/Djakovica, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP), the Association of Municipalities of Kosova, OSCE and UN-HABITAT, organized a joint workshop on Informal Settlements in Gjakova/ Djakovica. The purpose of the field-workshop was to contribute to the drafting of local and central policies within the action plan on Informal Settlements; discuss ways how the Urban Plan can be used as a tool to prevent new informal settlements and improve the existing ones. The workshop contributed to the development of a network for studying Informal Settlements, as well as raising awareness. click here for more information
Conference State of Play MDP/ UDP: Showcase Peja/ Pec
20 April 2007
Peja/Pec is the first municipality in Kosovo to have its Municipal Development Plan approved in line with the Law on Spatial Planning. click here for more information
Civil society and professionals shaping together the future developments of Gjilan/Gnjilane
11 April 2007
A diverse representation of different ethnic communities, civil society and municipality, media and UN-HABITAT worked together for 4 days during an intensive workshop that took place in Ohrid (from March 30 till April 3, 2007) to shape the future development of Gjilan/ here for more information
Creating a new image for Ferizaj/Urosevac, the image that tomorrow will be part of the identity of a new Ferizaj/Urosevac
26 February 2007
Ferizaj/Urosevac, an attractive place with dynamic development; Regional terminal; An open city with perspective; Bridge for economic, and cultural development; a port to the mountains; a place with unique bifurcation and recreation. An integrative city between capitals; a place with investment potentials for its citizens; an ecological friendly city where it is worth of living- is the final vision statement drafted by civil society representatives and presented to the Mayor of Ferizaj/Urosevac on April 23, 2007. click here for more information
Making Mitrovica Better
11 January 2007
From January 11 to 15, a creative and intensive workshop took place in Skopje - FYR Macedonia, involving representatives of civil society, media organisations professional planners and citizens of Mitrovica South and North as well as members of staff from UN-HABITAT in exploring issues and ideas of improving the quality of the living environment in Mitrovica. click here for more information