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- UN-HABITAT Main Media Centre
Municipality of Hani i Elezit/General Jankovic launches the draft of the Municipal Development Plan 2010 - 2025
17 December 2010
The opening ceremony for the public review period of the draft Municipal Development Plan of Hani i Elezit,took place on Friday December 17 2010 in the Culture House of Hani i Elezit/General Jankovic. The MDP was drafted by the municipal staff of Hani i Elezit from the Directorate of Urbanism, Cadastre and Environment, supported by the Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) and Institute of Spatial Planning (ISP) within the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning(MESP). click here for more information
The opening ceremony of the public review of draft- Municipal Development Plan of Hani i Elezit2010-2025+
10 December 2010
Hani i Elezit is the second municipality in Kosovo that started drafting the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) in house by using municipal capacities. The Municipal Directorate for Urbanism, Geodesy and Environment, are drafting the MDP for Hani i Elezit, but supported in the drafting process by the Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme implemented by UN-HABITAT and financed by here for more information
Visioning Workshop for the Municipality of Graçanicë/Gračanica
01 December 2010
The aim of the visioning workshop was to encourage the participants to share their thoughts and memories about their municipality and together start to think about the future, find ideas on how to make Graçanicë/Gračanica a better place for all. This was the first step towards the municipal development plan and the outcomes from this workshop will be used as a contribution to the upcoming phases. click here for more information
MuSPP Brings the Experience, With a Lecture and Conference on Participatory Planning
10 November 2010
Envisioning as a Participatory Planning Tool was the lead topic of the conference organized by UN-HABITATs Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) and Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP), and supported by other partners involved in envisioning processes in MuSPP Municipalities: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) and Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB). Over the last four years, envisioning workshops organized as inclusive planning activities with active participation of local government officials and civil society organizations took place in nine here for more information
Invitation to the conference Envisioning as a participatory planning tool
08 November 2010
The conference on Envisioning as a participatory planning tool is organised by UN-HABITAT/Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP), funded by Sida and the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, with the support of the Ministry of Local Government Administration, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Cultural Heritage without here for more information
Lecture on Sustainable urban and rural development
05 November 2010
Sustainable management of natural as well as technological and human resources is a must in both urban and rural areas willing to secure a positive development vector. A participatory planning process is a prerequisite for communities to meet the challenge of sustainability, improve the quality of life of the residents and attract the necessary skills and resources to the here for more information
Pupils of Meto Bajraktari school, safer on their way to school
04 November 2010
The project was initiated by a petition from the school community and elaborated in a close cooperation between the school and neighbourhood communities, municipal departments and the team of UN-HABITAT Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme in here for more information
Access improvement to the primary school Meto Bajtaktari in Mitrovica
02 November 2010
The inauguration ceremony will take place on Wednesday, 3 October 2010 at 14:00 PM, at the location of the primary school METO BAJRAKTARI in Mitrovica. Mayor of Mitrovica municipality Mr. Avni Kastrati, and Mrs. Krystyna Galezia Head of UN-HABITAT Office in Kosovo, will address the public with short statements, therefore media are cordially invited to join this occasion. click here for more information
MuSPP co-finances the improvement of town centre of Hani i Elezit/General Jankovic
20 October 2010
Mayor of Hani i Elezit/General Jankovic Mr.Rufki Suma, and the Head of Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme(MuSPP) Mrs. Krystyna Galezia, exchanged the Agreement of Cooperation for the implementation of the Capital Investment Project(CIP) for regularization of the town centre of Hani i Elezit/General Jankovic. The ceremony was held in the Municipal Hall on 19th October. click here for more information
Junik Municipality opens public debate on the draft- Municipal Development Plan 2010-2023+
15 October 2010
The opening ceremony of the public review of draft- Municipal Development Plan 2010-2023+ started on Friday 15th of October in the restaurant Oda e Junikut in Junik. The event gathered more than 150 people who were eager to see the presentation of the draft MDP. The MDP was drafted by the municipal staff of Junik from the Municipal Directorate for Urbanism, Geodesy and Environment, and it was supported by the Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP), Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB) and Institute of Spatial Planning (ISP) within the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning. The public review of MDP will be open until 15 December 2010. The public review gives a chance to inhabitants and different stakeholders to provide their views, comments, and raise issues as well as provide proposals to the plan before this plan is sent to the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning for consent and the final approval by the Municipal Assembly of here for more information
Ceremonial Opening of Public Discussion of Municipal Development Plan of Junik
14 October 2010
On date 15 October 2010, starting at 11:00 am, in Oda e Junikut restaurant in Junik, Junik Municipality is holding the opening ceremony of the public review of draft- Municipal Development Plan here for more information
World Habitat Day celebration in Kosovo: Pupils present their views on Better City, Better Life
05 October 2010
The award granting ceremony took place in the Municipal Hall of Prizren Municipality. Present to mark the day were representatives from the local authority, UN-HABITATs Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme and OSCE, as well as the pupils who had taken part in the essay-writing competition, the media, and representatives of other international organizations. The event began with courtesy speeches by the organizers, who highlighted issues and problems concerning the life in urban areas in the 21st here for more information
World Habitat Day Message of Inga Björk-Klevby, Officer-in-Charge of UN-HABITAT
29 September 2010
Cities are the greatest legacy of humanity and the greatest achievement of our civilization. Around the world and through the centuries cities have endured and survived wars, famine, natural disasters, epidemics, crumbling empires, and the disappearance of the gods, kings and queens for whom they were built. But we have to keep improving our cities, and doing that means making our cities better for those who live in them and for those yet to be born in a world that will be from here on forever urban. Today half of humanity lives in towns and cities, and the trends show that this figure will increase to two-thirds within the next two generations. click here for more information
The Secretary General message on World Habitat Day 2010
29 September 2010
As our world grows predominantly urban, World Habitat Day provides an annual opportunity to reflect on how we can make our towns and cities better places for all. With the theme "Better City, Better Life", this year's observance highlights the actions and policies that can improve well-being for the billion people who live in slums and other sub-standard housing around the world. Typically living in developing countries, and largely powerless, disenfranchised and under the age of 25, the urban poor are too often condemned to a life without basic rights, hope of an education or decent here for more information
Tour de Culture 10 grows to 300 participants
20 September 2010
More than 300 cyclists joined the Tour de Culture 10 on Sunday, September 19th. Tour de Culture is part of the European Mobility Week and the European Heritage Days as it promotes sustainable mobility and the cultural heritage of Kosovo at the same time, in a unique festive atmosphere. click here for more information
MuSPP engaged in mitigating flooding and in reinforcing public buildings from earthquakes
15 September 2010
One of the activities of Municipal Spatial Support Planning Programme (MuSPP) is to help municipalities address disaster risks through spatial planning. DRAM as a component resulted from the review of existing MDPs and UDPs. Proper recognition of the disaster risk helps avoid planning human settlements in areas which are prone to flooding, landslides or which can be threatened by forest fires. click here for more information
Junik MDP moves closer to finalization
15 September 2010
The Municipal Development Plan for Junik is in the finalization phase. On September 14th a workshop was held with participants of UN-HABITAT's Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) team, municipal representatives, civil society organizations and other organizations working with Municipality of Junik such as EULOG and here for more information
MuSPP staff shares experience in organize of Nomade in Metz
14 September 2010
Organized by the Moselle Prefecture of Metz and NGOs Tabullarasa and Abe Pierres Emmaus, Festival Nomade in Metz will take place in the city of Metz, in France,from 10th until 19th of September. In order for this festival to be better organized, organizers decided to hire young professionals from abroad who will facilitate on the preparation of the festival and at the same time fill the gap and enrich the festival with new experiences. click here for more information
Tour de Culture 10
14 September 2010
Tour de Culture has ambition to become a tradition and create a demand for Kosovos citizens for such an activity. This year the tour will start in Prizren, where a part of the city center will be free from cars, in a measure taken from the EMW. Following local roads from the historic city of Prizren the tour will continue to the green and eco Mamusha where the cyclists will have a chance to taste organic products of Mamusha and experience the dance and music of the multiethnic municipality. Slowly the group will continue to Hoca e Madhe for a delicious meal and a visit to religious monuments of this village, before reaching the last point of the tour for wine tasting, while cycling through Kosovos most beautiful here for more information
UN General Assembly elects Joan Clos as new Executive Director of UN-HABITAT
31 August 2010
The United Nations General Assembly on 25 August elected Joan Clos as the Executive Director of UN-HABITAT at the level of Under Secretary-General of the UN. He is expected to begin his tenure on 18 October for a period of four years. The former Mayor of Barcelona, Joan Clos, has a long career in the Spanish Government both at the local and national level. Between 2006 and 2008, he was appointed Minister of Industry, Tourism and Trade in President José Luis Rodriguez Zapateros cabinet. Prior to this, between 1997 and 2006, Joan Clos served two terms as Mayor of Barcelona click here for more information
MuSPP continues to co-finance the improvement of public spaces in Ferizaj/Urosevac
12 August 2010
The Mayor of Ferizaj/Urosevac Mr.Bajrush Xhemaili, and the head of MuSPP Mrs. Krystyna Galezia, exchanged the agreement of cooperation for the implementation of the Capital Investment Project in the premises of Municipality of Ferizaj/Urosevac, during the meeting on 12th of here for more information
Municipality of Gjilan/Gnjilane and UN-HABITAT exchange the Agreement of Cooperation for the implementation of the CIP in Gjilan/Gnjilane
09 August 2010
On 10th of August on 2010 at 8 oclock, in the premises of UN-HABITATs Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme, the Mayor of Gjilan/Gnjilane Mr. Qemajl Mustafa and MuSPPs Chief Technical Advisor, Mrs. Krystyna Galezia, will exchange the agreement of cooperation for the implementation of the Capital Investment Project in Gjilan/ here for more information
Municipality of Junik and UN-HABITAT exchange the Agreement of Cooperation for the implementation of the CIP in Junik
09 August 2010
As part of its assistance given to the Municipality of Junik, Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) with the Directorate of Urbanism of this municipality, have designed the Capital Investment Project (CIP) in a high school in Junik Kuvendi i Junikut. click here for more information
Meeting with the Womens NGO Jeta in Decan
28 June 2010
The increased role of women in economic and political life is regarded an important issue for Juniks citizens, and as such it is reflected in drafting the MDP. To support this process, a meeting was held between womens core group from Junik and representatives of womens NGO Jeta in Decan. It was facilitated by UN-HABITAT representatives and female municipal officers from here for more information
Municipality of Peja/Pec and MuSPP co-finance improvement of the city centre
25 June 2010
The Head of UN-HABITAT and MuSPP Office in Kosovo, Krystyna Galezia and the Mayor of Peja/Pec Municipality, Ali Berisha, exchanged copies of the Agreement of Cooperation in the Peja/Pec townhall on June 23, 2010. The document specifies responsibilities of each of the parties in co-financing the capital investment project (CIP) of Skenderbeu Square in Peja/Pec city centre. click here for more information
6th Regional Vienna Declaration Review Meeting
09 June 2010
The 6th Regional Vienna Declaration Review Meeting was held on 3-4 June, 2010, in Budapest. The meeting was organized by the UN-HABITAT, Warsaw Office, in a partnership with the Hungarian Urban Knowledge Centre Nonprofit Ltd. he delegation of Kosovo, which consisted of representatives of Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (Housing and Construction Department), Municipality of Pejë/Peč and UN-HABITAT, Kosovo Office, presented the Urban Regulatory Plan of Zatra informal settlement in the Municipality of Pejë/Peč.click here for more information
Study Tour in Sweden
02 June 2010
A delegation of 16 participants representing Mayors of Kosovo municipalities, the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, the Ministry of Local Government, the Association of Kosova Municipalities and the MuSPP/UN-HABITAT visited Sweden from 25 to 28 of May 2010. click here for more information
Municipal Plans necessary tool for shaping the municipalitys future
21 May 2010
The meeting aimed at discussing the MusPPs approach and sharing its experience in assistance to drafting Municipal Development Plans, Urban Development Plans Urban Regulatory Plans and the link of these plans with Capital Investment Projects which are currently being implemented by here for more information
MuSPP2/UN-HABITAT and Junik Municipality discuss on Cultural and Natural Heritage and Tourism
22 April 2010
Junik Municipality is drafting the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) with the assistance of Municipal Spatial Planning Programme of UN-HABITAT, Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB) and the Institute of Spatial Planning (ISP). At the current stage of the MDP, it is required to hold workshop focused in various sectors. Consequently, a workshop on cultural and natural heritage and tourism was held on 21 April 2010click here for more information
How to reduce disasters caused by earthquakes discussed in gymnasium Zenel Hajdini
21 April 2010
Municipality of Gjilan/Gnjilane, Municipal Spatial Support Planning Programme (MuSPP) and Gymnasium Zenel Hajdini organized a workshop on disaster reduction in case of earthquakes. The workshop followed two studies done by UN-HABITAT and Municipality of Gjilan/Gnjilane supported by ISIIS institute from Skopje, which confirmed that Municipality of Gjilan/Gnjilane is part of an active earthquake zone, the same as Skopje. In this regard, municipality gave priority to enforcement of public buildings focusing on especially on school buildings. click here for more information
1000 Cities 1000 Lives the topic of Round Table organized in Prishtina
08 April 2010
World Health Organization (WHO) Prishtina Office in cooperation with UN-HABITATs Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme and Municipal Assembly of Prishtina marked 7th April World Health Day. The round table was organized under this years motto of the World Health Day 1000 Cities 1000 Lives, Urban Health Matters which aimed at developing ideas on how to deal with the rapid urbanization and how to develop a new paradigm of public health. click here for more information
Citizens participate on the improvement of the school yard
01 April 2010
Municipal Spatial Support Planning Programme (MuSPP) with the Directorate of Urbanism Junik Municipality are developing and designing a Capital Investment Project (CIP) in a high school in Junik. The CIP will focus on the improvement of the school yard and addressing accessibility here for more information
MuSPP2 management and Prizren Municipal authorises signed an agreement for the revitalisation of Farkatarve Street
31 March 2010
The Mayor of Prizren Municipality and representatives of MUSPP2, on Wednesday the 31st March 2010 at the premises of UN-HABITAT in Prishtina signed an agreement to implement a project that will revitalize a street with the historic centre of Prizren called Farkatarve Street. click here for more information
Improvement of the high school yard and school access - the Capital Investment Project (CIP) in Junik
09 March 2010
The Municipality of Junik together with Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) representatives organized the first participatory workshop with the relevant stakeholders, with the aim of improving the high school yard in this municipality. The main aim of the workshop was to extract ideas from the key stakeholders including school children, teachers, parents and other activists from the municipality of Junik, on their vision to improve the school yard as well as access to the here for more information
MuSPP management and Mayor of Ferizaj/Urosevac discuss means to reduce impact of floods
09 March 2010
MuSPP management met with the Mayor of Ferizaj/Urosevac on 9th March 2010 to discuss ongoing cooperation on the identification of flood-affected areas. The purpose of this meeting was to present technical flooding advice to the Mayor and municipal staff, in order to obtain a decision on the optimum solution in the identified spot improvement area. click here for more information
MuSPP2 and Municipality of Junik Discuss on DRAM and Climate Change
02 March 2010
The workshop on Disaster Risks Management (DRAM) and climate change took place in Junik, on 2 March 2010 as part of the process of drafting the Junik Municipal Development Plan (MDP). This workshop involved professional staff from the Municipality of Junik and Municipal Spatial Planning Programme representatives, who were the workshop facilitators. click here for more information
Mirusha River in Gjilan/Gnjilane similar to Lushta River in Mitrovica
26 February 2010
Planners, engineers, civil society organizations, the school traffic engineering task force and Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) representatives from the Mitrovica municipality were all involved in a visit to the Gjilan/Gnjilane Municipality. The purpose of this visit was to see the implementation of a roundabout in the city centre crossroad, as well as the rehabilitation and upgrading of the Mirusha River in Gjilan/Gnjilane, a project similar to the Lushta River in Mitrovica. The meeting was aimed at stimulating a participatory planning process while also analyzing a comparable situation and city for discussions with the municipal counterparts. click here for more information
Urban Design Workshop for the Town Centre of Hani i Elezit
26 February 2010
As a part of the process of drafting Municipal Development Plans, the Municipality of Hani i Elezit together with the Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme, organized an urban design workshop to improve public spaces in the town centre of the municipality. The workshop was held on 25th February, and gathered over 50 stakeholders from different working fields from the municipality including municipal officers, civil society, youth, handicapped persons and business community here for more information
18 February 2010
Essay Theme: Right to the City: Bridging the Urban Divide Write an essay about the youth challenges in cities today, using your city as an example, to address the following questionsclick here for more information
Urban Design Workshop for Flood Prone Areas in Ferizaj/Urosevac
15 February 2010
In her opening speech, the Municipal Director of Urbanism Qazime Vata pointed out that this workshop will contribute to the preparation of a strategy for flood mitigation. She evaluated the work previously done, mentioning the results of the survey and crucial findings from the hydrologic engineering study. She also added that this is the beginning of improvements to this part of the city, and a good opportunity for the community to become involved in the process. The workshop continued with presentations by the Municipality and UN-HABITAT staff. click here for more information
Management of MuSPP discusses the future cooperation with Mitrovicë/a Mayor
15 February 2010
The management of the Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme met with the newly elected mayor of Mitrovica on February 12, 2010 to discuss further cooperation with the municipality. The Mayor expressed his gratitude to MuSPP for the constructive and fruitful support given to the Municipality of Mitrovica, and assured his full commitment to the implementation of the current here for more information
Agriculture land one of the top priorities in Junik
11 February 2010
The Junik Team Municipality of Junik, Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP), Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB), Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP), organized a workshop with the focus on Agriculture on February 11th in Junik. click here for more information
Final design for revitalizing Rruga e Farkatarve has been presented
11 February 2010
Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme in cooperation with the Municipality of Prizren presented the final design of the Capital Investment Project (CIP) on revitalization of Farkatarve Street in Prizren. The design of the CIP has been drafted jointly by the Municipality and MuSPP office in Prizren and during the process comments and remarks of the community and local businesses have been incorporated into the project design. This action was taken due to the nature of the project which is dedicated to the citizens. click here for more information
Citizens assess area near Lushta River in Mitrovica
05 February 2010
Municipal officers, MuSPP team and other stakeholders including representatives of Little People of Kosovo, OSCE, Bypass NGO, the Association of the Deaf, teachers and pupils from the Architect Sinani Technical School and local businesses, met on February 4,2010 to discuss possible solutions for the improvement of the Lushta River area, in Mitrovica. click here for more information
MuSPP and Municipality of Hani i Elezit/General Jankovic work together on shaping future development
27 January 2010
Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) in cooperation with Municipality of Hani i Elezit/General Jankovic, organized a workshop with citizens, civil society organizations and municipal officers on revising the vision declaration of Hani i Elezit, drafted in the visioning workshop held in Ohrid in 2008. click here for more information
Role of GIS presented to municipal officers in Junik
27 January 2010
The Institute for Spatial Planning (ISP) within the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning made a presentation on the importance of The Geographical Information System (GIS) in the planning process, in the municipality of Junik on 28th of January. Newly elected municipal officers from different departments in the municipality of Junik, and MuSPP officers attended the workshop focused on the process of collecting data and creating a GIS here for more information
Workshop on the Flood Reduction project in Ferizaj/Urosevac
26 January 2010
The component of Disaster and Risk Assessment Management (DRAM) was the topic that brought together municipal officers of Ferizaj/Urosevac, MuSPP representatives and DRAM experts, at Municipal Assembly (MA) of Ferizaj/Urosevac on January 26. MuSPP in cooperation with Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology in Skopje (ISIIZ) conducted a survey on the flood prone areas around the river Nerodime in the Municipality of Ferizaj/ here for more information
How to make public building safer in case of earthquakes, discussed in Gjilan/Gnjilane
23 January 2010
The municipality of Gjilan/Gnjilane and the team and consultants of Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme organized a workshop focused on the safety of public buildings in this city and solutions which could be put in place to reinforce these buildings and make them more resistant to earthquakes. The workshop was attended by the representatives of Municipal Assembly of Gjilan/Gnjilane, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the representatives of the MuSPP partner here for more information
Management of MuSPP discusses cooperation with the mayors of partner municipalities
22 January 2010
The management of the Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme met with mayors of Hani i Elezit/General Jankovic, Pejë/Pec and Junik on January 20 and 21, 2010 to discuss further cooperation with these municipalities. click here for more information
MuSSP and Sida continue supporting MESP
15 January 2010
UN-HABITAT and Sida delegations, met with the Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning, Mahir Yagcilar on Thursday, January 14th 2010, as part of the Tri-Partite Review agenda for the Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP). The meeting focused on the lessons learned from the implementation of the programme as well as new ideas for future cooperation. click here for more information