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- UN-HABITAT Main Media Centre
06 December 2013
The Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) financed by the Swedish Development Cooperation and implemented by UN-Habitat together with the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, the Ministry of Local Government Administration, the Agency of Gender Equality within the Office of the Prime Minister, the Association of Kosovo Municipalities and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, organised a workshop on "Gender perspective in the spatial planning process".click here for more information
Rugova Valley and the National Park Bjeshkët e Nemuna - Workshop
05 December 2013
The Municipality of Peja, together with the Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) implemented by UN-Habitat and financed by the Swedish Development Cooperation, have organised a workshop on Rugova Valley and the Spatial Plan for the National Park Bjeshkët e Nemuna (Accursed Mountains). The workshop took place on December 5th, 2013 at 9:30 at Hotel Dukagjini in Peja/Pec. click here for more information
04 December 2013
On the 4th of December, Kosovo's Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning and UN-Habitat met with Ms. Eglantina Gjermeni, the Minister of Urban Development and Tourism of Albania and her team in Tirana. In the meeting both parties exchanged information about spatial planning and development in Kosovo and Albania, as well as possible future cooperation for sustainable municipal and urban here for more information
Community involvement in the process of regularisation of Informal Settlements in Kosovo
29 November 2013
Kosovo's Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) in partnership with OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) and UN-Habitat, has organised a roundtable debate on community involvement in the process of Informal Settlements (IFS) regularisation. The event, which took place in Pristina, on the 26 of November 2013, was held on the occasion of the launch of the manual on the inclusion of citizens in the process of regularisation of Informal Settlements in Kosovo. The manual was presented by MESP's Head of the Planning Division, Ms. Suzana here for more information
Agreement of cooperation signed for the new Capital Investment Project (CIP) in Hani I Elezit/Elez Han
23 November 2013
On 22 nd of November 2013 in the premises on the Municipality of Hani i Elezit/Elez Han, an agreement of cooperation was exchanged between Municipality of Hani i Elezit/Elez Han and UN-Habitat's Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme in Kosovo ( MuSPP ) funded by the Swedish Development Cooperation. This agreement was signed between the two Parties for the implementation of capital investment project (CIP) for regulating the access to primary school "Ilaz Thaci" in Hani i Elezit/Elez here for more information
Spatial Plan for the National Park Bjeshkët e Nemuna (Accursed Mountains)
07 November 2013
The Institute of Spatial Planning (ISP) within the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP), together with the Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) implemented by UN-Habitat and financed by the Swedish Development Cooperation, have organized a workshop on the Spatial Plan for the National Park Bjeshkët e Nemuna (Accursed Mountains), which took place on November 6th, 2013, at the Ministries Building "Rilindja" in here for more information
The state of European Cities in transition 2013 - launched
21 October 2013
In October 2013, UN-Habitat has released its report: The state of European Cities in Transition 2013: Taking stock of 20 years of reform. The publication analyzes the impacts on the cities of the 23 countries and territories of transitional Europe that in the early 1990s embarked on their transition from centrally planned economies to democratic and market-based systems. click here for more information
Public review for the draft-Strategic Environment Assesment for the MDP of Partesh - opened
12 October 2013
The Municipality of Parte/Partesh, supported by the Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) implemented by UN-Habitat and financed by the Swedish Development Cooperation, opened the public review for the draft -Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) report for the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) of Parte/Partesh. The opening ceremony took place on October 11th, 2013, at 11:00 in the Municipal Administration Building Partesh/Partes in Pasjane/ Pasjanclick here for more information
Second public presentation of project for improving the Adem Jashari and Zijah Shemsiu streets in Gjilan
10 October 2013
In order to enhance the public participation and present the developments on the draft design of the Capital Investment Project (CIP), the Department of Public Services of the Gjilan Municipality, supported by UN-Habitat's Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP), financed by the Swedish Development Cooperation, has organised the second public presentation of the CIP Adem Jashari and Zijah Shemsiu streets. This public presentation was organised in the City Theatre Hall on the 9th of October, and accompanied by the exhibition of the project design that remained open until the 11th of October. A considerable number of citizens, a representative of HANDIKOS, municipal representatives, including the mayor, deputy-mayor and department directors, and representatives from Traffic Police, participated actively in this presentation. This presentation was also covered by local media. click here for more information
7th October, World Habitat Day Seminar
08 October 2013
On Monday October 7th, UN-Habitat's Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme in Kosovo, together with the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, joined forces to celebrate World Habitat Day 2013 and organised a seminar under the topic Kosovo Cities in Transition: towards a second generation of municipal plans. The seminar aimed at discussing the implementation, monitoring and overall assessment of the achievements of the municipal planning process in Kosovo in the perspective of the implementation of the new Law on Spatial Planning which came into force in September 2013. The seminar and debate on Post-MDP (Municipal Development Plan) and new generation of Plans for Kosovo municipalities proposed also to exchange experiences from the region. click here for more information
7th October, World Habitat Day Seminar Kosovo cities in transition: towards a new generation of municipal plans.
25 September 2013
On Monday October 7th, UN-Habitat's Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme in Kosovo, jointly with the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, will be participating in the celebrations of the World Habitat Day 2013. The Seminar will take place at the Emerald Hotel in Pristina, from 9h30 to here for more information
Another success for Tour de Culture
23 September 2013
The promotion of sustainable mobility and cultural heritage was the mission of the 6th edition of Tour de Culture which took place on the 22nd of September 2013, in the municipalities of Ferizaj/Urosevac and Kaçanik/Kaèanik. Close to 900 participants were present at the starting point in Ferizaj. Tour de Culture is organised since 2008 by UN-Habitat/MuSPP together with Cultural Heritage without Borders, both financed by the Swedish Development Corporation. This year's edition was organised in full coordination with the Kosovo Cyclist Federation and the Association of Professional Cyclists in Kosovo. The participants included people with special needs who joined at the beginning of the Tour and had the opportunity to experience the entire route by a bus booked especially for them. click here for more information
Sustainable schoolyards: Signing of cooperation agreement with the municipality of Rahovec
17 September 2013
The Mayor of Rahovec/Orahovac, Mr. Smajl Latifi, and UN-Habitat's Chief Technical Adviser, Ms. Gwendoline Mennetrier, exchanged an agreement of cooperation for the implementation of a Capital Investment Project (CIP), during a meeting held on September 16th, 2013. The agreement specifies the responsibilities of each party for co-financing the "Sustainable schoolyards" CIP, which will be implemented in two schools within the municipality of Rahovec. The project is the result of the cooperation between MuSPP and the municipality, deriving from the municipal planning process, and was developed in a participatory manner. The process included a municipal school competition in which 17 applications were received from the 29 municipal schools. After selection of the two winning schools, several design workshops were held, as well as presentations and meetings with the working groups in the schools. click here for more information
Tour de Culture'13 on 22nd of September 2013
16 September 2013
UN-Habitat's Municipal Spatial Planning Support together with the Cultural Heritage without Borders are providing support to the Cycling Federation of Kosovo, to organise the 6th edition of the cycling tour "Tour de Culture". The event is scheduled to take place on Sunday, September 22, 2013 to mark European Mobility Week and European Heritage Days. Tour de Culture promotes non-motorised transport and cultural heritage while also joining other international initiatives where hundreds of cities around the world will host organised cycling tours for promoting cycling as a healthier and better way of transport for the here for more information
Opening of the public review of the draft-Municipal Development Plan (MDP) in Partes/Partesh
05 September 2013
The opening of the public review for the draft-Municipal Development Plan of Partes/Partesh took place on the 4th of September 2013, in the premises of the new municipal building. The public review ceremony began with the welcoming remarks of the deputy Mayor, Mr. Dejan Jocic, who greeted the process of drafting the MDP, and expressed his gratitude towards UN-Habitat's MuSPP for their professional support throughout the entire process. He also considered the draft-MDP as a structure for municipal development, because it will be a basis for the upcoming projects such as regulatory plans, and other projects that will derive from the MDP and most importantly, for the local economic development. click here for more information
Opening of public review of draft Urban Regulatory Plan for Centre and Park Neighbourhood in Hani i Elezit/Elez Han
15 August 2013
With the purpose of having an inclusive, participatory and transparent planning process the municipality of Hani i Elezit/Elez Han in close cooperation with UN‑Habitat's Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) opened the public review of the draft Urban Regulatory Plan for the Centre and Park Neighbourhood. The public meeting took place on the 14th of August 2013, in Hani Elezit House of Culture. The presentation and discussions involved representatives from the civil society, schools, municipal representatives including Deputy Mayor, Assembly Chairperson and Directors, UN-Habitat, and other citizens from Hani i here for more information
CIP Improving of Adem Jashari and Zijah Shemsiu streets in Gjilan - Public Presentation
03 August 2013
The Municipality of Gjilan - Department of Public Services supported by UN-Habitat's Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP), financed by the Swedish Development Corporation, has organised a public presentation of CIP Improving of Adem Jashari and Zijah Shemsiu streets draft design. The presentation was organised in the Municipal Assembly on the 2nd of here for more information
Opening of the public review for the Municipal Development Plan of Gracanica 2013-2028 and Strategic Environmental Assessment
02 August 2013
The opening of the public review of the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) for the municipality of Gracanica/Graçanicë took place on the 1st of August 2013 at Gracanica House of Culture. The ceremony started with the opening remarks by the political advisor to the Mayor of Gracanica Mr. Peric, who pointed out the hard work that has been put into finalising this plan. He expressed his gratitude to UN-Habitat's MuSPP and its staff for the commitment and professionalism shown working together with the municipal staff. UN-HABITAT's Officer in Charge, Mr. Ishaku Maitumbi, provided a brief outline of the overall planning process in Gracanica, emphasising the capacity building dimension of the process. He made reference to the good relationship built with the municipality while working together to define the sustainable spatial development priorities for the future of Gracanica. During the process, and while not always sharing the same views over the conceptual framework of the plan, a great effort has been put into raising municipal knowledge of sustainable planning practices, with meaningful results. click here for more information
UN-Habitat invited to lecture in the field of Gender Mainstreaming at the Summer University of Prishtina
01 August 2013
On July 30th, 2013, Mrs. Arijeta Himaduna from UN-Habitat was a guest lecturer at the Summer University of Prishtina with a presentation focusing on the topics of Participatory Planning, Gender Perspective in Planning, experiences from the field and challenges. click here for more information
Malishevë MDP Workshop on Strategic Development Priorities
26 July 2013
On the 23rd and 24th of July 2013, UN-Habitats Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP), financed by the Swedish Development Corporation, together with the Municipal planning team of Malishevë/Malievo, has organised a two day workshop in Suharek, for developing strategic development priorities for the Municipal Development Plan (MDP). The workshop included staff from the Municipal planning team in Malishevë, the Institute of Spatial Planning and the Department of Spatial Planning from the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP), and from UN-Habitat. click here for more information
Strategic Environmental Assessment of Partes Municipal Development Plan
25 July 2013
On the 18th of July, UN-Habitats Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP), financed by the Swedish Development Corporation, has organized a workshop in Parte/Partesh on matters regarding the development of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Municipal Development Plan. The workshop included staff from different departments from the Municipality of Parte/Partesh and UN Habitat/ here for more information
Public Debate for the Municipal Development Plan of Mamusha is open
18 July 2013
The Municipality of Mamuşa/Mamushë/Mamua, supported by UN-Habitats Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme, has prepared the draft Municipal Development Plan for the period of 2013-2023. The process was developed in a cross-disciplinary approach and in close collaboration with the Department of Spatial Planning and Institute of Spatial Planning within Kosovos Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP).click here for more information
MuSPP continues to co-finance the improvement of public spaces in Ferizaj/Urosevac
02 July 2013
The Mayor of Ferizaj/Urosevac, Mr Agim Aliu, and the officer in charge of UN-Habitat's Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme funded by the Swedish development corporation, Mr. Ishaku Maitumbi, exchanged the agreement of cooperation for the implementation of the Capital Investment Project (CIP) in the premises of Municipality of Ferizaj/Urosevac, during the meeting held on 1st of July, 2013. click here for more information
MuSPP supports MESP on completion of the legal infrastructure
17 June 2013
The UN-Habitat Programme in Kosovo, the Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP), funded by the Swedish Government through Sida, has for several years been deeply involved in spatial planning, development control, environmental issues and sustainability in Kosovo at both central and local level. MuSPP interacts with and provides support, advice and capacity building to a number of municipalities. Support and advice is also provided to the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning and to related ministries, to the Association of Kosovo Municipalities and to other relevant role players in the development sector. Throughout the many years, substantial experience has been acquired regarding the administrative, legal, managerial and practical areas within the sector. Good access to international best practice has been an advantage and this has been applied in various projects and activities. click here for more information
MuSPP partner municipalitites visit informal settlements in Thessaloniki, Greece
05 June 2013
In the effort to establish a framework for capacity building, technical assistance and investments, the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, OSCE and UN-HABITAT joined forces and have organised a number of parallel activities, including roundtable debates, guidelines and cross-border co-operation and exchange for the transfer of successful initiatives. In this context, UN-Habitat has brought together housing and urban management specialists from Kosovo to conduct a study visit in Thessaloniki, Greece from the 29th to 31st of here for more information
"Sustainable Schoolyard" projects in Rahovec - Public presentation 30 May 2013
31 May 2013
Schoolyard improvements have been selected as a priority by Rahovec/Orahovac Municipality through the municipal participatory planning process. Clear terms and objectives for sustainable schoolyards have been established, and a competition for all the schools in the municipality has been carried out. Two schools were selected as winners, the secondary school "Xhelal Hajda-Toni" in the city centre, and the primary school in the big village of Xerxe, "Hamez Thaci". They are awarded by getting their schoolyard proposals implemented, after careful detailed design and a number of other considerations. Both CIPs (Capital Investment Projects) will be financed on a co-shared basis 50/50 by the Municipality of Rahovec/Orahovac and UN-Habitat's Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP), funded by the Swedish Development Corporation. click here for more information
Roundtable debate on "The Planning Process and Gender Perspective - Challenges and Practices"
22 May 2013
UN-Habitat's Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP), together with the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, the Ministry of Local Government Administration, the Agency for Gender Equality within the Prime Minister's Office, the Association of Kosovo Municipalities, and Friedrich Ebert Foundation, organised a roundtable debate on "The Planning Process and Gender Perspective - Challenges and Practices". The RTD was held on 21st May 2013, in Prishtina. click here for more information
Round table debate on " The Planning Process and Gender Perspective - Challenges and Practices"
17 May 2013
Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Ministry of Local Government Administration, Agency of Gender Equality within the Office of the Prime Minister, Association of Kosovo Municipalities, Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) financed by Swedish Development Corporation and implemented by UN-Habitat and Friedrich Ebert Foundation, organise the round table debate on " The Planning Process and Gender Perspective - Challenges and Practices". click here for more information
The SymbioCity Approach presented to Kosovo Municipalities
16 May 2013
UN-Habitat's Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) financed by the Swedish Development Corporation organised the "SymbioCity Seminar and Workshop". The seminar was held on 14th of May 2013, where planners and environmental officers from all Kosovo municipalities had an opportunity to learn more about a conceptual framework for sustainable urban development - The SymbioCity here for more information
Design workshop in Hani i Elezit/Elez Han
09 May 2013
The municipality of Hani i Elezit/Elez Han, together with MuSPP (implemented by UN-Habitat and financed by the Swedish Development Corporation), organized a one day design workshop with the purpose of developing a Capital Investment Project (CIP) for the regulation of the northern access to the primary school in Hani i Elezit. In order to have an inclusive, participatory and transparent planning process, the workshop involved representatives from school students and administration, representatives from the neighborhood, municipal administration, municipal Assembly and UN-Habitat. The workshop took place on the 8th of May 2013, in Hani Elezit Municipal Assembly Hall. click here for more information
Roundtable on Service Delivery Improvement - Exchange of Experiences on Mobility Planning & Activities
21 April 2013
The Roundtable on "Service Delivery Improvement - Exchange of Experience on Mobility Planning & Activities" was held on 16th and 18th of April, in Emerald Hotel in Prishtinë/Pristina. It was organised jointly by UN-Habitat/Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP), financed by the Swedish development Corporation, USAID/Democratic Effective Municipalities Initiative (DEMI), and the Association of Kosovo Municipalities (AKM). Representatives from the Government of Kosovo, municipalities and international organisations were invited to participate on this roundtable debate during the two here for more information
Spatial development framework in Malishevë/Malievo
18 April 2013
UN-Habitat's Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP), financed by the Swedish Development Corporation, together with the Municipal planning team of Malishevë/Malievo have organized a two day workshop in Prizren, on matters regarding spatial development scenarios and the development of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The workshop included staff from the Municipal planning team in Malishevë/Malievo, and the Housing Department, the Department of Spatial Planning, and the Institute of Spatial Planning from the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP).click here for more information
Kosovo Mayors meet in Istanbul
03 April 2013
Mayors from MuSPP partner municipalities and other Kosovo representatives met last week in Istanbul, Turkey, where the main outcome was their stated determination to build the local capacities and implement the municipal planning options in order to improve the quality of life in Kosovo cities. The delegation from Kosovo was composed also of high-level ministerial representatives, the Association of Kosovo municipalities, and UN-Habitat representatives. The meeting was held with the aim to discuss the existing cooperation between MuSPP and partner municipalities, to assess the current progress in terms of policies and programs, and to address the key challenges for MuSPP, allowing for a constructive debate between the central and local level administration. The meeting was also meant to serve as an opportunity for exchanging experiences and opinions among partner municipalities and with Turkish municipalities. click here for more information
Municipal Assembly of Hani i Elezit / Elez Han approves the Feasibility Study for the Improvement and Management of Water Supply
27 March 2013
The Municipal Assembly of Hani i Elezit / Elez Han held the third annual meeting on the 26th of March 2013. The feasibility study for improvement and management of the water supply system in Hani i Elezit / Elez Han was included in the meeting's agenda. The study was conducted by the Department of Public Services of the Municipality of Hani i Elezit / Elez Han, with the support of the Municipal Spatial Planning Support Program (MuSPP), implemented by UN-Habitat and funded by the Government of Sweden. Water expert Mr. Gunnar Settergren has been engaged in this study, assessing the water supply system, and providing recommendations and an action plan with rough cost estimation for each activity. click here for more information
Sustainable Schoolyards - new project in Rahovec/Orhaovac
22 March 2013
On Wednesday 21st of March, in the Municipal Hall of Rahovec/Orahovac Municipality, a ceremony was organized for announcing the winners of the competition which was open to all municipal schools in early February this year. This event was organized jointly by UN-Habitat's Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme funded by the Swedish government and by the Municipality of Rahovec/Orahovac. Present in this event was the Mayor of Rahovec/Orahovac Mr. Smajl Latifi, representatives of the Directorate of Urbanism and Education, representatives from UN-Habitat's MuSPP from Rahovec and Prishtina, and the schools' representatives. click here for more information
Action Planning WSH in Gracanica
08 March 2013
On 6-7 of March 2013, the Municipal planning Team of Gracanica together with the UN-Habitat's Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) funded by the government of Sweden have organized a two day workshop for the identification of the actions/projects within the Municipal Development Plan (MDP). This workshop was also professionally supported by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, respectively Department of Spatial Planning and the Institute of Spatial Planning. Participants in this event were also all relevant stakeholders such as: municipal officers, civil society and business community. In the same time this workshop will feed into the fourth stage of the MDP document "Graçanicë/Gracanica 2013-2028". click here for more information
Public Presentation of the first phases of Malishevë Municipal Development Plan
08 February 2013
The public presentation of the first draft of the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) of Malishevë was held on the 7th of February at the Municipal Hall. The first two phases of the municipal plan were presented to a wide audience, composed mainly of citizens of Malishevë, but also municipal and ministerial officers, representatives of OSCE and other here for more information
Rahovec/Orahovac School competition
05 February 2013
UN-Habitat and the Municipality of Rahovec/Orahovac are launching a school competition for a Sustainable Schoolyard to be implemented at a Rahovec School. The competition is open to all elementary and all high schools in the Municipality of Rahovec. The improvement of schoolyards has been selected as a priority identified by the municipality through the municipal participatory planning process. A first workshop to explore the concept of sustainable schoolyards in Rahovec and how it would adhere to local development goals was held in December 2012. The workshop was jointly organized by the municipality of Rahovec, Directorate of Urbanism, together with UN-Habitat's Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) in Kosovo, funded by the Swedish government. click here for more information
UN-Habitat on Tuesday launched a call for applications for the Urban Youth Fund
31 January 2013
In a press release, the agency announced that the Fund will for the fifth year in a row provide grants to projects led by young people aged 15-32 years who are piloting innovative approaches to employment, good urban governance, shelter and secure tenure. Small development initiatives are eligible for grants up to $25,000. These grants aim at promoting youth empowerment as the solution for better urban governance. click here for more information
Public Debate of Rahovec Municipal Development Plan and Strategic Environmental Assessment
23 January 2013
On January 22nd the municipality of Rahovec organized in the Municipal Assembly Hall a closing public debate for the compilation of the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The drafting of these two documents was based on the spatial planning law in Kosovo, through a participatory planning here for more information
Action Plan for Hani i Elezit/Elez Han to secure water for citizens formulated
18 January 2013
On 17th of January 2013, Municipality of Hani i Elezit / Elez Han in cooperation with UN- Habitat's Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP), organized a public meeting to present the recommendations and action plan proposed in the feasibility study for improving water supply service in the city. Water supply is essential for wellbeing of citizens and the situation in Hani i Elezit / Elez Han needed a comprehensive and thorough study in order to have a clear way forward in improving of service. The feasibility study started with the assessment of needs of this municipality for water and the review of the existing supply network and water sources. The purpose of the public meeting was to present its findings and inform the participants in the meeting of porposed actions to remedy the situation. click here for more information
Public Presentation of the final design for Junik CIP, "Development of Moronica Park"
16 January 2013
Junik municipality held a public presentation on 15th January 2013 for the completion of the project for Moronica Park. The presentation was organized by the Municipality of Junik, supported from UN-Habitat, with an audience of Municipal Assembly members, Directors of Departments, municipal officers, members of the working groups, representative from OSCE, International organization DEMI, local NGO and other important stakeholders from the municipality of Junik. Moronica Park project will be co-funded by UN-Habitat and the Municipality of Junik on a cost-sharing here for more information