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- UN-HABITAT Main Media Centre
A new programme for northern Kosovo just kicked-off!
06 December 2016
With the participation of representatives of the Kosovo Government, the Embassy of Sweden in Kosovo, partner municipalities and civil society, UN-Habitat and PAX/CBM (Community Building Mitrovica) marked the beginning of the programme "Fostering inclusive development and good governance in northern Kosovo" funded by the Swedish Development Cooperation. This kick-start meeting was held in a warm cooperative atmosphere on Tuesday, December 6 in Prishtinë/Priština, and attended by 75 here for more information
Block by Block Mitrovica North: Using Minecraft as a tool for dialogue and public space design!
21 November 2016
The Municipality of Mitrovica North and UN-Habitat teamed-up in support of regenerating and improving the city's market neighbourhood through rehabilitation of public urban space and social dialogue under the auspices of the UN-Habitat Global Public Space Programme and as an amplification to the pilot Minecraft initiative in here for more information
UN-Habitat, PAX and Mitrovica South seal cooperation for inclusive development and local governance
10 November 2016
UN-Habitat, PAX and the Municipality of Mitrovica South, on October 10th 2016 signed a Memorandum of Understanding, committing to joint efforts towards fostering Inclusive Development and Good Governance in the Municipality of Mitrovica South. The memorandum was signed by Ms. Gwendoline Mennetrier (UN-Habitat representative in Kosovo), Mr. Agim Bahtiri (Mayor of the Municipality of Mitrovica South) and Mr. Michael James (PAX representative) represented by Ms. Florentina Hajdari (Community Building Mitrovica - CBM).click here for more information
UN-Habitat and PAX officially sealed cooperation with the Municipality of Skenderaj in the field of spatial planning and local governance
02 November 2016
On Wednesday (November 2, 2016), UN-Habitat, PAX and the Municipality of Skenderaj have formalized the beginning of cooperation in the field of spatial planning and local governance. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Ms. Gwendoline Mennetrier (Chief Technical Adviser, UN-Habitat), Mr. Fadil Nura (vice-Mayor, Municipality of Skenderaj) and Mr. Michael James Warren (PAX) represented by Ms Florentina here for more information
UN-Habitat, PAX and Municipality of Vushtrri officially started the new era of cooperation in the field of Spatial Planning and local governance
31 October 2016
Today in premises of the Municipality of Vushtrri, Mr. Bajram Mulaku (Mayor, Municipality of Vushtrri), Ms. Gwendoline Mennetrier (Chief Technical Adviser, UN-Habitat) and Ms. Florentina Hajdari (on behalf of Mr. Michael James Warren, Programme Manager of PAX), signed a Memorandum of Understanding, providing framework of cooperation on fostering inclusive development and good governance through planned development with communities integrated at all stages of planning and implementation, and within a framework of effective inter-municipal cooperation and multi-level here for more information
Final public review opened for Municipal Development Plan of Malishevë/Mališevo 2017-2025 and Strategic Environmental Assessment
15 September 2016
Opening of the public review of Municipal Development Plan of Malishevë/Mališevo 2017-2025 and Strategic Environmental Assessment marked the entering of these strategic municipal development documents on their final step. As a continuation of public presentations, discussions and workshops with different stakeholders, through which the participatory approach was built throughout the drafting process, this public review will provide an opportunity for citizens to give their comments, suggestions and proposals on presented plan drafts before their here for more information
MuSPP Sustainability Toolbox successfully institutionalized within the Kosovo Institute for Public Administration
24 August 2016
After a collegial process organized by the Kosovo Institute of Public Administration (KIPA), Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) and UN-Habitat/ MuSPP, the institutionalization of ''MuSPP Sustainability Toolbox'' has been successfully concluded resulting with anchoring of the four MuSPP training modules and 21 certified trainers into KIPA training programme/ here for more information
Fostering a collective reflection on Prishtina/Priština Public Space!
29 June 2016
As part of the project "Block by Block Prishtina/Priština" within the UN-Habitat Global Public Space Programme, the consultation process aiming at facilitating an iterative discussion on public space in the city of Prishtina/Priština went on successfully. A series of focus group meetings were organized by UN-Habitat in partnership with the Municipality of Prishtina/Priština, which were held during 28 to 29th of June, complementing the first on 16th of March here for more information
MuSPP's inclusive approach to spatial planning: an example to successful participatory processes for inspiring others!
26 June 2016
MuSPP was invited to share its experience on participatory planning and gender mainstreaming for the second time at The Urban Planning and Development School- 3rd training module, co-organized by the local NGO "EC Ma Ndryshe" and Kosovo Foundation for Open Society (KFOS). The training held during 25-26th of June, brought together 20 participants from central and local administration as well as various institutions from the civil society such media, local NGOs, business community, students and here for more information
What can we learn from the Barcelona Market Model? Discussions initiated on Mitrovica Market Places!
15 June 2016
Within the Public Space Mitrovica North Project, UN-Habitat initiated a series of joint meetings and focus groups in Mitrovica North and South on market places development and management that took place on 14-15 June here for more information
Training on Gender Mainstreaming in Spatial Planning again successfully delivered!
18 May 2016
On 17th and 18th of May 2016, and as a continuum of the dedicated training held on 4th of May, UN-Habitat together with the partnering organizations UN Women, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) as well as the Agency of Gender Equality (AGE) of the Prime Minister's Office delivered training sessions on Gender Mainstreaming on Spatial Planning as an element MuSPP Sustainability Toolbox in Prishtina/Priš here for more information
MuSPP teamed-up with civil society institutions to enhance municipal governance through training on inclusive spatial planning and project development processes
12 May 2016
UN-Habitat and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) partnered with Kosovo Local Governance Institute (KLGI) in conducting the Fifth Module of the Local Governance Academy educative program led by the Institute. MuSPP delivered a tailored training on managing capital investment projects as a key component of spatial planning cycle towards sustainable development and an important tool for an improved local governance. The training, which was held on 12th of May 2016 in Prizren, brought together 17 participants representing various institutions from the local and central government as well as public enterprises and civil society institutions, such as Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, Ministry of Local Government Administration, Office of the Auditor General, Public Housing Enterprise in Prishtina/Priština, Municipality of Junik, Drenas/Glogovac, Kaçanik/Ka?anik and NGO "ENRA".click here for more information
Dedicated training on Gender Mainstreaming in Spatial Planning held in Prishtina/ Pristina to extended audience!
04 May 2016
In the spirit of rolling-out MuSPP Sustainability Toolbox, UN Habitat together with the partnering organizations of UN Women and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) as well as the Agency of Gender Equality (AGE) of the Prime Minister's Office organized one-day training event on Gender Mainstreaming in Spatial Planning, on May 4th 2016 in Prishtina/ Pristina. The training was facilitated by both officials from UN-Habitat and UN Women and offered a tailored and revisited content of the gender sub-module initially included in the MuSPP 'public participation in spatial planning' training modules. The event brought together in a relaxed and view-sharing atmosphere about 20 participants, consisting of representatives from AGE, MESP, and municipalities of Mitrovicë/ Mitrovica, Prishtinë/ Pristina dhe Lipjan/ here for more information
Workshop on Capitalization of Experiences "What did we learn? What is the way forward?": the report is out!
22 April 2016
The Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) is pleased to share with you all the Report of the Workshop on Capitalization of Experiences "What did we learn? What is the way forward?" held on 9th of March 2016 in Prishtinë/Priš here for more information
Pilot Municipal Development Plan reaches its final component through Action Planning for Malishevë/Mališevo
15 April 2016
The first in-house drafted Municipal Development Plan (MDP) according to the new Law on Spatial Planning is approaching its completion. This journey of Malishevë/Mališevo MDP, continuously supported by MuSPP, has reached down to the concrete level of action planning. Considering the importance of the Action Plan and in order to enable developing a creative thinking environment, the Municipality of Malishevë/Mališevo and MuSPP jointly organized an Action Planning Workshop, a three day event held during 13 - 15 April 2016, in here for more information
Block by Block Prishtinë/Priština - watch the documentary!
23 March 2016
Early 2015, UN-Habitat in Kosovo and the Municipality of Prishtina teamed-up in the area of public space planning and management and related policy development. click here for more information
UN-Habitat, MESP and KIPA officially sealed collaboration for anchoring MuSPP training modules into KIPA training programme
22 March 2016
Today at the offices of the Kosovo Institute of Public Administration (KIPA), Ms. Refike Sülçevsi, Executive Director of the Kosovo Institute for Public Administration (KIPA), Mr. Arben Çitaku, Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) and Ms. Gwendoline Mennetrier, Chief Technical Adviser of the UN-Habitat office in Kosovo, signed a Memorandum of Understanding, providing a framework of cooperation for anchorage of the MuSPP Sustainability Toolbox within a domestic institution, with the aim to diversify KIPA training offer and respond to needs widely identified in Kosovo municipalities and pertinent central institutions. MuSPP Toolbox contains four modules: Public Participation in Spatial Planning, Drafting Municipal Development Plans, Drafting Strategic Environmental Assessments, and Managing Capital Investment here for more information
A glance at the rolling out of the MuSPP Toolbox - watch it on youtube
18 March 2016
With the aim to sharing the MuSPP 10 year experience and practice of supporting Kosovo institutions in spatial planning and related areas, the Programme's Team developed in 2014 the MuSPP Toolbox "My Companion Towards Self-sufficiency"., The MuSPP Toolbox has been further translated into 4 practical trainings modules, repectively Managing Capital Investment Projects, Participatory and Inclusive Approaches in Spatial Planning, Drafting Municipal Development Plans, and Drafting Strategic Environmental here for more information
Sharing and confronting experiences, lessons learned and suggestions for the way forward at the Capitalization Workshop!
10 March 2016
The Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) in coordination with its central, municipal and civil society partners held the Workshop on Capitalization of Experiences "What did we learn? What is the way forward?" on 9th of March 2016 in Prishtina/ here for more information