Lajme dhe Ngjarje
Public Presentation of the final design for Junik CIP, "Development of Moronica Park"
Junik municipality held a public presentation on 15th January 2013 for the completion of the project for Moronica Park. The presentation was organized by the Municipality of Junik, supported from UN-Habitat, with an audience of Municipal Assembly members, Directors of Departments, municipal officers, members of the working groups, representative from OSCE, International organization DEMI, local NGO and other important stakeholders from the municipality of Junik. Moronica Park project will be co-funded by UN-Habitat and the Municipality of Junik on a cost-sharing basis.
The aim of this presentation was to present and discuss the Moronica Park project, resulting from one first workshop held in Junik in July 2012. The workshop helped to define a collective vision for the future of the former landfill area, today an important forested area of the municipality, planted with pine trees by youth voluntary action in the 1960's. This area has a very important meaning as a continuous effort from the citizens of Junik to create an enduring project for the development of a leisure and environment protection area. The project was identified through the municipal planning process in Junik: both the Municipal Development Plan and the Urban Development Plan have defined the area of Moronica Park as a priority for the future of Junik and its citizens. The main objectives to be pursued through this project are the conservation, development and utilization of the natural heritage of the area, the sustainable use of the natural resources of the area, the understanding and enjoyment (sport, recreation, nature) of the special qualities of the area by the public and the creation of a convivial inclusive public space.
The project includes walking paths in the area of Moronica, and two areas for recreation, sports activities, natural playground and observation point which will be implemented during 2013.
The participants had the opportunity to see two presentations, one from the municipal coordinator of the project, Ferdone Tofaj, regarding the CIP "Development of Moronica Park" and another from Halil Ibrahimi, Representative of the University of Prishtina Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Biology, with the topic "Planning for sustainable development of a Protected landscape: The case of Shkugzes". Drawing from his previous experience, Prof. Ibrahimi shared some important aspects of biodiversity assessment and landscape protection which will be undertaken as a second phase of this study, as there should be a continuous effort to gather environmental information, promote environmental educational activities and monitorise the impacts of human activity in the area.