Lajme dhe Ngjarje
Public Debate of Rahovec Municipal Development Plan and Strategic Environmental Assessment
On January 22nd the municipality of Rahovec organized in the Municipal Assembly Hall a closing public debate for the compilation of the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The drafting of these two documents was based on the spatial planning law in Kosovo, through a participatory planning approach.
The Public debate in Rahovec was moderated by the coordinator of these two documents, Mr. Musa Cena, Director of Economic Development. Participants in this debate were representatives from GIS consulting designer company of Rahovec MDP, representatives of MESP Planning and Environmental Department, UN-Habitat, the members of all working groups and other important stakeholders in the process. To reach this stage the municipality has organized more than 20 public discussions in most of the settlements in the municipality of Rahovec, where all citizens of the municipality had the opportunity to participate and provide their contribution.
Opening the speeches was the Mayor of Rahovec, Mr. Smajl Latifi, who made reference to the commitment of the municipality during the preparation of this document and thanked the design company of the MDP, GIS Consultant, and UN-Habitat for the support given during the process, and also the working group and all the participants who have contributed to these two documents. After this debate, these two documents will be submitted for approval to MESP as required by law.
The MDP's vision for the future development of the municipality is to advance the administrative system, provide positive trends in employment and reduction of poverty, advancing the educational and healthcare system, the planned development of settlements, with sustainable environmental development, protecting the valued of cultural heritage, with a stable economy, advancing viticulture and agriculture and with a planned and modern infrastructure. Through this municipal plan it is expected to promote the sustainable development of Rahovec. The plan determines the long-term goals of economic, social and spatial development for the entire municipality, including for the development of urban and rural areas within the municipality. The plan also proposes implementation measures, which will insure the full achievement of its objectives, moving from vision to action.
During her speech, Ms. Krystyna Galezia, Head of UN-Habitat in Kosovo, made reference to the engagement of external SEA expert Ms. Kadri Tillemann, and also to the ongoing capital investment project under the concept of "sustainable schoolyards", a project deriving from the MDP process.
The SEA's main purpose is to assure no significant environmental impacts are involved in the implementation of the MDP. It is oriented to support the decision-making authority to achieve the best strategic planning options and to effectively avoid any negative environmental impact. The objective of the SEA is to explain, describe and assess the significant environmental impacts of the implementation of the MDP, offering alternative solutions and mitigation measures. It is worth mentioning that the environmental impact may be considered significant if it exceeds the environmental capacity of the area, to cause irreversible changes to the environment compared with the current situation or pose a threat to human health and welfare, or cultural heritage assets. The environmental assessment considers all municipal area, including residential areas, and it considers the environment in a broader sense including components of economic, social, cultural and natural dimensions. The municipality has formed a working group for the preparation of the SEA with whom Ms. Tillemann has communicated and cooperated during the process.
Mr.Tomor Celaj, representative from GIS consulting, designer company of the MDP, thanked for the very good cooperation with the municipality of Rahovec, the support of the Mayor and all the staff engaged in this document and congratulated the municipality for the completion of these two strategic documents for the municipality.
MESP representative Mrs. Suzana Goranci, announced that the municipality has followed all the necessary and obligatory steps, as defined by law and congratulated the municipality on the completion of this process in the hope that after review and analysis, the MDP and SEA will be approved, and that the Municipality may embark on its successful implementation.
With this public presentation, Rahovec Municipality closes the public debate and will now submit the final documents to the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning in order to verify its full conformity with the current Law and before approval by the Municipal Assembly.